Chapter 8 - No Love by NBA Youngboy

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Authors Note***This chapter is a bit shorter because I caught myself being a perfectionist and it's been a while since I posted. Enjoy!!!!


The day was muggy and hot as usual. The lavender sky boasted no clouds and the cicadas breathed in and out in a chorus. Everyone who could walk gathered in Dr. Venturas' back yard under an old tree. Light and leaves flitted across the ground and the mood was somber.

This was a very small town. It had the basics: A local grocery store, a dollar general, a funeral home, a post office, a Walmart, a couple of small businesses and motels but nothing else besides long roads and farm houses. Rosa's house was tucked in a small neighborhood just off the town's main street. The town is fairly deserted besides a few stragglers. I imagine some of these farm lands have families holed up in them. Walmart looked normal besides its lack of power. We raided the place for some clothes and food and stocked up the hospital the best we could. We also stole a coffin from the funeral home. Borrowed? Oh well. It's the end of the world.

An old man who happened to be a minister held a bible solemnly across his chest. His name was Jebidiah and his skin was a dark and deep yellow. His hair was slicked back and thin and his attire was humble: a green colored shirt and worn khakis. Chris and Afton slowly lowered Rosa's mother into the ground. The minister limped to the other side of the coffin, his lips in a thin line. He had been at the hospital passing a kidney stone. Luckily he had passed it, but got caught up in the outbreak chaos. The evil group had crippled him in his left leg so he limped when he walked. And due to his spiritual profession it was only right to say a few words for Dr. Venturas deceased wife. Whose name I learned earlier while talking to Rosa was Brenda.

Lupita has stayed at the hospital to look after the people who couldn't come; and stay with the babies. I had come as emotional support and security. Her grave is shallow because we couldn't figure out the equipment to make it lower. No one had any funeral director experience, go figure.

Her grave is now in the ground and the minister quotes a haunting scripture: "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God..." The Preacher talks on as I stand with a straight face.

Chris and Afton start to put the dirt over her coffin as they lower Brenda into the cold ground. Dr. Ventura holds his daughter tightly as they cry silent tears.


We drove back to the hospital in silence. We were lucky that the doctor had a truck at his home to fit everyone in because it was just Chris, Afton, and I in the Hummer. The Toyota was left at the hospital in case a quick get away was needed. I was happy to help but I'm just ready to leave. I'm afraid everyone forgot about how we have to get to FSU, and we have to make stops during the way. We also can't travel at night.

I blow out some air in frustration. How are we going to travel with two babies? Chris puts his hand on my thigh and looks at me with concern.

"I haven't forgotten our original mission, MJ." Chris says and stretches. When we get back to the hospital he definitely needs to change. He's tracking dirt in my car and I don't know if there are any working car washes near here. Boy, am I in a sour mood. Which makes no sense because we did so much good for strangers.

We pulled up in front of the hospital. Chris gets some clothes from the trunk and Afton munches on some candy.

Walking into the hospital is a welcome change from yesterday. It smells like bleach and the candle I lit last night. I suppose some people are still in their rooms. Megan greets us at the front desk, like she actually works here.

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