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One Year Later

Theseus and Lally watched Oliver, Samantha, Isabella, and Ernie playing on the beach. It was a bright day and the perfect time for a family outing. Lally looked around at the baby basket beside her as their baby daughter, Liliana, began to coo.

She smiled as she stroked her baby's soft cheek. Theseus watched her, lovingly, as he gently squeezed her hand. She looked at him, the same look he'd fallen for the year before.

As they looked into each other's eyes, no words were exchanged but much was said. They looked forward as the children called out. They looked at them both expectantly.

Theseus chuckled as he turned to kiss Lally before getting up to join their game. Lally, still one hand in Lily's basket, watched Theseus and the children play together. Oliver ran over to wade ankle-deep in the water, laughing. Samantha and Isabella hung onto Theseus' legs as he attempted to walk towards Lally.

But with the dead weight around his feet, he tumbled forward. Ernie toddled up to them, giggling. He sat down on the blanket and tugged at Theseus' hair.

He looked up at his wife and, exaggeratedly, said, "Help, Lally!" he reached forward, making her laugh, "Save me from these feral beasts!"

Lally grabbed Theseus' hand with her freehand then, removing her other hand from Lily's basket, grabbed a cloth and threw it at his ankles. It flapped into Isabella's face, which made her giggle harder. She reached up to pull it off, which Theseus took advantage of and pulled his leg up. Isabella rolled onto on the grass, holding her stomach from laughing so hard. Theseus gently kicked at Samantha, but she had a good grip on his calf. He got on his hands and knees and reached back to scrape her off him.

Isabella giggled and climbed onto his back. In retaliation, he let go of Samantha and she climbed onto his back as well.

He looked at Lally, "It appears you need back up!"

Lally laughed, "It seems s-" she looked behind him, "-oh, no! They have reinforcements!"

At that moment, Oliver ran up and jumped onto Theseus' back. Theseus, with an oof sound, belly-flopped into the grass. He looked at Lally again.

"Take care of yourself!" he said with a smile, "There's no hope for me!"

Lally, taking Lily out of the basket, told him, "I don't think so. This breed of attackers are afraid of one thing." she looked at the children and narrowed her eyes. The children giggled as they waited, "Baby sisters!"

And she held Lily out gently to them. Oliver and Samantha laughed and jumped away, but Isabella didn't understand the game anymore.

"I'm not afraid of Lily." she said, slightly sad.

Theseus chuckled, "Too bad your accomplices are!" he said, playfully, and rolled to scoop her up.

Isabella started to belly laugh again. Theseus sat up as he tickled her underarms. Isabella wriggled and she managed to wriggle to the ground. She ran towards Oliver and Samantha, leaving Theseus, Lally, and baby Lily in her dust. Lally sat down beside him and Lily crawled from her arms to sit teetering on Theseus' lap.

He brought a hand up to keep her upright, "I can't believe that only a year ago, they were scaring off nannies."

Lally watched to, "I can't believe I never caught them planning those." she looked down at Lily before whispering in Theseus' ear, "What do you think you'd name another one?"

Theseus looked at her, astonished, "Are you serious?"

She smiled and gave him a happy nod. Theseus, still holding onto Lily, took his other hand and pulled her head to his; pressing his lips to hers in an excited kiss.

Nanny McPhee: A ThesLally AUWhere stories live. Discover now