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Aunt Cordelia sat looking out the window, a cup of tea in her grasp, "Well, I am satisfied!" she looked at Theseus, "I will keep my word, Theseus, if you will keep yours." Theseus swallowed, disappointed, "You must give those children a mother before the month is out!"

"No." Theseus said, firmly.


"Cordelia, you cannot force me around. And you cannot take any of my children away."

"I-" but she got cut off by her hat.

Nanny McPhee, stood holding the hat, looked at her blankly, "Your carriage awaits."

"Is the chosen one seated?"

"Indeed she is."


Aunt Cordelia walked out of the room, Nanny McPhee followed, stating, "All is prepared."

Theseus, panicking, "Which chosen one?" he followed them bother, quickly, "What's prepared?"

"Theseus, in view of this afternoon's happy outcome, I'm willing to overlook that last unattractive outburst."

"Nanny McPhee!" Theseus said, urgently.

"Off we go, Kama!"

"She can't take the donkey." Theseus said, hushed, "Now what have you done?"

"I have done nothing, sir." Nanny McPhee stated coolly, "The children have decided amongst themselves."

"Decided what? What do you mean?"

Cordelia, from outside, said loudly, "There you are, dear."

"Not little Izzy." he looked at Nanny McPhee quickly before running out the door, "Izzy!" he ran through the yard after Aunt Cordelia's carriage, worried of his daughter. The driver whipped the reins against the horses once more, "Izzy!" he watched as the carriage gained speed, trying to keep up, "Izzy!" he noticed the road behind the houses and took it, trying to figure out a shortcut.

Cordelia sat in her seat, "Now then, you better tell me your name, girl."

Theseus ran through the neighbor's flock of sheep, started to feel his heartbeat in his throat, "Isabella!"

"Don't be shy, my dear." Cordelia remarked, "What is your name?"

Theseus' legs started to feel like lead, and he began losing speed.

"Sit up straight and tell me your name."

Theseus stopped to catch his breath as he realized he wouldn't be able to catch up, "No!" he watched the carriage drive away, "Isabella!"

"Papa!" Isabella called out, but not from in front of him, "Papa!"

He looked around and felt overjoyed when he saw his daughter running towards him. He bent down and caught her in a hug. He began to feel tears welling in his eyes as he whispered to her.

"Hold tight, my little lambkin." he exhaled, "I've got you. I've got you."

Oliver and Samantha, carrying Ernie, followed Isabella, gathering around Theseus. Theseus looked at Samantha, surprised.

"But if- if you're-?" he looked at the carriage's path, "Who's-?"

Lally looked up at Aunt Cordelia, "Eulalie. My name is Eulalie."

Aunt Cordelia looked at her suspiciously, before a sudden smile interrupted her face, "And what a pretty name it is, too."

Lally stared at her before looking out the window, just glad she could keep Isabella at home.

"Lally?" Theseus spoke her name, almost sorrowful, "Oh."

He held Isabella tight with one arm and Samantha's hand with the other hand, but his grip spoke a million other words he'd never tell his children. The carriage rode off until they couldn't see any trace of it anymore and they all went solemnly back to the house.

That evening, the house was not so chipper. Nanny McPhee entered the children's room and announced that it was time for bed.

"Thank you for saving me, Nanny McPhee." Isabella said to her.

Nanny McPhee gave her a sound of response and took her by the hand, leading to her bed.

"Yes, thank you." Samantha added respectfully.

Ernie, while so young, gave her a sound that resembled, "Sank yew."

She let go of Isabella's hand and looked to Oliver with an expectant look. He sat, back facing away from everyone, fiddling with a ball. Looking up, he swallowed around the lump in his throat and gave Nanny McPhee a curt nod. And while it was not the words, it was enough.

Nanny McPhee's second wart disappeared. She nodded in response to Oliver and turned back to the door.

As she tucked Isabella in, the little girl whispered, "Papa was going to let her take me."

"No, Isabella." she pulled the blanket over the girl's torso, "Your father would never have allowed it."

Oliver crawled to his pillow and pulled the covers over him.

Nanny McPhee looked around the room before moving to leave. As she did, she said, "Good night, children."

"Good night, Nanny McPhee." they said in response.

Samantha watched as she walked out, confused, "She hasn't got any warts at all now." she looked in the direction of Oliver, "Do you think she's using some sort of cream?"

Theseus stood against the mantle when he thought he heard something. He walked to the door, peering out but seeing nothing. When he turned back into the study, Nanny McPhee was right behind him. He gasped at his startle. But she didn't need to add that she did in fact knock, because he immediately stated.

"Thank you, Nanny McPhee." he turned to his desk, "You were a tremendous help today."

"Not at all." she told him, "I think you'll find that lesson three, to get dressed when they're told, is complete."

Theseus stared at her, confused, "Just to get dressed when they're told?" his brow furrowed, "I think that they've learned a great deal more than that."

Nanny McPhee gave a swift nod of understanding and said, "I have five lessons to teach." she explained, "What lessons they learn is entirely up to them. Good night, Mr. Scamander."

"Nanny McPhee."

"Yes, Mr. Scamander."

He fiddled with his pen as he looked at her, "She will be alright, won't she? Lally, I mean." he watched as Nanny McPhee tilted her head in interest, "It's just that, I... I can't help being concerned. Aunt Cordelia can be so... well, you saw."

Nanny McPhee smiled, "She will certainly be alright."

"Good." put a bit at ease by Nanny McPhee's answer, "I suppose that she volunteered to go, did she?" he said as an attempt to keep himself happy, "Couldn't wait to be short of us, I imagine, could she?"

"Not quite." Nanny McPhee said, "It was Oliver's idea. He knew Lally would do just about anything to protect them, and that she might like to finish her own schooling." she watched Theseus' expression change, "He's quite a clever boy, you know."

"Good heavens." Theseus said, quietly, "Oliver, eh?" he chuckled slightly as an attempt to hide some sadness he was sure anyone could see, "Well, good for him. Quick... quick thinking."

"Good night, Mr. Scamander."

Theseus watched Nanny McPhee leave as the sadness hit him like a freight train. He was glad neither of his daughters were taken away, but at what cost. He'd never admit it, but he very much enjoyed seeing Lally every day, for those few short minutes before the children's lessons.

He then realized he still had to marry by the end of the month. He slammed his pen on the desk and the letter he'd written to Mrs. Broadacre caught his eye again. He pulled it out and stared at it, disappointed.

To himself, he whispered, "So that's it then?" he stared at the fire, "I shall have to marry Broadacre."

Nanny McPhee: A ThesLally AUWhere stories live. Discover now