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"The big day!" Bunty exclaimed, "I do love my weddings!"

Mary Lou looked at her, "Mr. Scamander, what's he really like?"

"No idea. Keen as mustard to tie the knot, though. Couldn't sort all this out quick enough for him. Only got the sheep dipped yesterday. But he's easily controlled. That's more than can be said for his nasty little brood."

"How ever will you manage them, Bunty?"

"I've got a few tricks up my sleeve. Never you mind." she took a bite of the cake, "I've started off by giving them a good cleanup." to the cake toppers, "Ah. Don't they look lovely?"

"Isabella." Nanny McPhee said, "Your cuffs aren't buttoned. Samantha, you have a hair caught in your crook. Oliver, help her please. Your father will be down in a moment."

Bunty walked into the foyer, "Now that is an improvement. Mary, go and keep lookout." she looked at Nanny McPhee, "I say, whatever your name is, don't suppose you could give me a second on my own with the little darlings?" Nanny McPhee nodded and saw herself out. Bunty turned her attention to the children, "Now, my dears, there's going to be some changes made around here. I'm in charge of this household now. And while I'm in charge, you children will behave. Do you hear? Behave." Ernie started playing with the rattle, "We're not having any of that nasty noise." she snatched it out of Ernie hands, making him start a fuss, "Shut him up."

Samantha tried to grab the rattle back, but Bunty moved it away, "It's our mothers rattle! Give it back!"

"I'm your mother now." she said and she snapped the rattle in half. The children stared at her, angry, "Time to adapt."

Theseus started down the stairs at that moment. Isabella tried to start, "Papa. Mrs. Broadacre-" but Samantha shushed her.

Bunty turned, putting on a facade smile, "Yoo-hoo, Theseus!" she said, "I realize that the bride and groom shouldn't meet until the ceremony, but after all, you and I are old hands at this, are we not?" she held up her hand.

There was a sound of horses and Mary Lou said, "She's here. Lady Lestrange! Bunty, there's footmen."

Cook barged through, pushing the woman so she could open the door. Aunt Cordelia look as grumpy as ever.

She said, "Where's the woman, then?"

Theseus pushed through, "Aunt Cordelia, how lovely-"

"Shut up!" she exclaimed, "Where's the woman, Theseus?"

"Aunt Cordelia, may I present my.... fiancé, Mrs. Bunty Broadacre. Bunty, this is Lady Lestrange."

Before anyone could do anything, Bunty went low to the floor and exclaimed, "Your Ladyness." Aunt Cordelia put her spectacles up to her nose, "Welcome, if I may be so bold, to our humble... nay, lowly festivities." Theseus looked at the ceiling, awkwardly, wishing he could take back everything, "You shower glory upon us above. The very air about you shines with... with... with aboveness."

Aunt Cordelia looked down at her, "A gracious welcome, I must say. Rise, my dear."

Theseus gestured behind him for Aunt Cordelia, "And here are the children in their shepherdess outfits. Well, that's the girls, obviously. The boys..." he stopped, "...well, actually, I'm not quite sure what they are, but... anyway, you can see."

Aunt Cordelia look back, "Oh, keep up, will you?"

The children leaned out to see who Aunt Cordelia was talking to. They saw a lovely woman in a baby blue dress with a large sunhat.

Isabella stared and whispered, "Who's that?"

Samantha stared too, "It's a princess. A fairy princess."

Nanny McPhee: A ThesLally AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang