You suck

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   It was the ritual night. The ghouls woke up ready to concert and break their bones, in Sodo's case (Autodestructive behaviour is advised).
    Aurora got used to rituals and enjoyed them, she liked her fans and she liked the love she was getting from them. The ghoulette stayed with swiss in the left part of the stage, but she could see Dew on the other side of the stage side-eyeing her. Our poor ghoulette didn't bother tho, she was dancing and laughing with Swiss. The taller one taught her his stuff (yes... I'm talking about these stuff he does with his guitar and to everyone on that stage, even with Sodo, bro's walking a whole stage just to grab someone's disco stick, smoke a cigarette and slap their ass wtf).
   Copia was doing his usual stuff on stage (do I even have to mention it?). The ghoulettes were acting totally normal, just like usual; and Cirrus was eating up her solos on keytar (I wanna eat them too:D).
    Sodo was doing like usual, always stubborn, but fun. He was stomping and jumping on stage like he wasn't TOO OLD AND FRAGILE a few years ago. Dew sticked to the 'you suck' sticker on his guitar each time he answered with it. He played rock, paper, scissors with a fan and he won (if he would've lost, the stage would be on fire for sure), he made fun of them by showing them the sticker.
    Swiss and Aurora noticed Dew's typical behaviour and laughed it off. The ghoul watched sodo stomp at the start of Square Hammer and how he literally injured the guitar and his arm, yeah, both. It just hurt them seeing Sodo's guitar break, so Swiss chatted Dew about it backstage.

SWISS: You're feral dude, that guitar deserves better...

SODO: It's not like I'm using that expensive Gibson anymore, it's a fender stratocaster, it's supposed to bare me, that's why I'm using it.

SWISS (laughing): No, you changed it cuz you were too short and weak for the Gibson!

SODO: I'll show you short and  weak... (lifts up Swiss's guitar)


SODO: See, I can carry it! It's actually lighter than my older Gibson! (puts it down and Swiss pulls his collar up) Swiss, it ain't cool when you're pulling my collar up, it makes me feel short...

SWISS (pulls him even more, to the point they can lock eyes, that's how he just choked Sodo to death): why did you touch Mona...

SODO (choking): DUDE I CAN'T- (Swiss releases him, but it's a little late, Dew faints and his face was darkly colored, he falls and hits his head, his neck veins were obvious mow) Uh... Dude! Sodo! Dew... Firefly... (nudges him) What have I done- What have I done-

AURORA (opens the door and sees them): Swiss, sup dude- shit this ain't looking good... (takes Sodo's pulse) At least he's not dead, (takes his shirt off) you've got to take a little care of him, something cold will bring him back to sense, but he's still breathing slowly.

SWISS (lifts Dew): Thanks Aurora, can you tell Copia we're gonna be late? Don't tell him I choked him tho...

AURORA: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE- Did you... Dude it could've been way worse! Are you insane?!?

SWISS (carrying Sodo): He's gonna be... alive. Thanks Aurora.

   Aurora did as Swiss told her to, but she stayed closer to Mountain since the incident because she grew afraid. Mountain noticed it and he told her what provoked Swiss's sparks. It was a long story, whenever someone touched his guitar, Swiss would be mad at them for greasing Mona up, but why would he choke Dew, he was never aggressive with the shorter ghoul.

   After Swiss brought Sodo back to sense, they went back to the stage, but Dew was a little dizzy. Copia noticed it, so he checked up on his ghoul a few times, but he made it discret (aka Copia flirting and touching the ghouls on stage). Sodo was having headaches and his nose kept running under his mask, but it smelled metallic. Papa got suspicious when he was Sodo rise his head up and avoiding getting his uniform wet. Copia comes closer and notices Sodo struggling and how he was losing balance, so he stayed around the ghoul more. He made it to the end and went to the changing room with the others.
   In his cabin, Sodo noticed his nose was bleeding a little. He didn't care much about it, he just wiped it and he took a painkiller. His head was spinning around and his sinuzes were aching so bad.
   They got in the bus and went to the ministry. In the process, Sodo fell asleep next to Cirrus and she hugged him. She noticed something about him was off, so she tried helping him. The ghoulette tried waking Dew up, but failed. He was having a fever and his whole face was red. She passed Sodo to Phantom.

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