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Dew wasn't feeling well, his illness wasn't cured, to his despair. Cirrus noticed his mood swings and how he would break stuff whenever he was annoyed and then he would sleep more and more. It wasn't helping that he was refusing everyone, including Swiss and Rain.

One day, Rain visited Sodo's room in order to get him to eat. Dew just yelled at him to leave, then Rain brought him breakfast in his room and he didn't even touch it.

It was about time Swiss would do something stupid, so he went to check up on Sodo. The shorter ghoul yelled at him to leave, but Swiss ignored him and closed the door with the key.

SODO: Get the fuck out!

SWISS: Yo, chill down, I came to talk.

SODO: Sigh, about what?

SWISS: Well, Cirrus told me to ask you how you're feeling.

SODO: Finally that bitch cares for me... No shit sherlock, I feel horrible!

SWISS (sits down and leans over): Let's go downstairs!

SODO (rolls his eyes): Make me!

SWISS (lifts Dew and carries him downstairs while Sodo is kicking him and yelling): Hey y'all.

AURORA: Sup? (looks at Sodo) He looks fucked up.

SODO: Excuse me?

AURORA: You heard it, did you have too much fun and your ass is too sour or you just woke up on the wrong side of the pillow?

SWISS: His lips are sour, he's tired of kissing! (laughs)

AURORA (spits her soda): DUDE- wait what, this dude looks like he kisses his best friend for no reason.

SODO: That's the case.

SWISS (grabs Sodo's ass and Sodo slaps his arm and bites on it, but Swiss doesn't react) want a representation, huh? (he leans over Sodo and Dew pushes him with the roof of his palm, bending his back in an impossible position) Dude stop fucking around! (grabs Dew's hands and kisses him, Sodo doesn't argue tho; after they're done, the shorter ghoul rolls his eyes)

SODO: You suck.

AURORA: I'm surprised you're not dead so far. I would be dead, wouldn't I?

SODO: Yes.

SWISS: Well I'm (grabs Sodo's shoulder and Dew bites his arm) taking my propriety.


SWISS: Depends what kind of slave (winks) you would look like it with a maid dress on (him and Aurora laugh and Sodo slaps his head) DUDE I'M NOT TALKING ABOUT YOUR ASS! (they're laughing even more)

PHANTOM (randomly spawns): Why are you laughing and why is Dewdrop so red, does he have a fever.

SODO (calm): I appreciate your concern, Phan, but THESE idiots (slaps Swiss and he laughs even more) decided to mock me and my ass.

PHANTOM: It ain't something you can mock, y'know that right?

SODO: Exactly- WAIT WHAT- (everyone else laughs even more and Sodo becomes a blushing mess) Y'all are weird as fuck, that's why I fucking hate you.

SWISS (laughing): DEW WAIT I DIDN'T GET MY... legit?- KISS

SODO: YOU GOT ONE, SHUT THE FUCK UP! (closes the door and Copia hears it, he yells 'You're not paying for these walls')

PHANTOM: So y'all are dating?

SWISS: No, he's just my bfffae and I'm his bfffae. Also I can sneak kisses and stuff from him since he doesn't mind it.

PHANTOM (blinks twice): You're dating.

AURORA: Dude, you could try stuff, I bet it would be the same for y'all, but just try out something and get this man out on a fucking date and get him laid. Jeez, y'all have no culture...

SWISS: I could do that, but it's no use, Sodo doesn't mind kisses and other stuff, so I'm still in profit.

AURORA (red): You could make him moan your name-

SWISS: I'll be right back.

Phantom (confused): What did i just assist to? (they hear Sodo yell curses over Swiss's name and a door opening and closing fast, then Dew screaming and crying) Should we do something?

AURORA (kisses Phantom and he blushes): Nah, I don't wanna see that bitch walk anytime soon.

Phantom just shrugs and he leaves. Copia eventually heard Dew's screams and some moans so he went to check up on the two. He found the door locked, so he got suspicious (yes, he is Swedish, ofc), so he opened it with his spare key. He closed the door instantly when he saw Swiss cover Sodo's mouth while he was crying and screaming. Cirrus came as well and she just watched the scene from the doorwall. She eventually got noticed by the two and Sodo begged for her to help him, but she didn't move an inch.

SODO (red, stoping Swiss from getting his shirt off): CIRRUS MOVE YOUR ASS AND HELP ME!

CIRRUS: No, I like it.

SODO (crying and blushing): I DON'T. PLEASE!!!

CIRRUS: Only if you go out on a date with him, I would like to watch that.

SODO (gets away from Swiss's grasp): THANKS! (Cirrus tackles Swiss down and helps Sodo brush his hair after Swiss ruffled it) Swiss, you're a weird ass...

SWISS: I just wanted to look at your abs...


After Cirrus helps them out, she leaves them and tells the two to go on a date. Swiss was all excited about it, while Dew saw the end of the world right before his grey eyes.

Dew started feeling better once he realised Swiss can't rape him in public (yeahhhh... about that- it ain't rape if he has consent :) ). Yeahhh, about that, he would and could.

SWISS (happy, holds Sodo's hand):
Where are we going?

SODO (he tugged on Swiss's sleeve and hugged his hand): Oh hell nah... Just take me to the park or something.

SWISS (sad, he leans and hugs Sodo's waist but Dew dodged it by bending his 🌟ToO oLd AnD fRaGiLe🌟 back): Spitfire, you're acting off...

SODO (blushing, looks away and pushes Swiss's face further with his palm): It's so easy to say for you... You could have anyone you want in a blink of an eye!

SWISS (leans more): What do you mean?...

SODO (kisses Swiss and hugs his neck, leaving the taller ghoul stunned): Sorry, let's go...

SWISS (his eyes were sparkling and he was bright red): Aight!

They went to a park and had some fun on their date. Sodo was feeling a little awkward since him and Swiss weren't dating, but on the other hand, Swiss was having lots of fun, he enjoyed kissing and hugging Sodo from behind, acting like an actual couple.

When they got home, Cirrus was acting extremely suspicious. She was running from a place to another and she was all red. The ghoulette didn't talk to the boys, but they knew she was hiding something. It became very obvious when she was talking go the ghoulettes and they were girly-screaming (no, don't, please, I'm talking about the 💅😁).

CIRRUS: Yes! Absolutely!

AURORA: You're right! (They kept whispering until someone came from behind)

SWISS: What are you girls talking about? (They jump at the sudden question)

CIRRUS (lying -- or not...): Sodo said he wants to get laid tonight, he's gonna have heats sooooo~ (the girls were laughing)

SWISS (leaving): Aight, noted. (winks)

CIRRUS: HE'S ACTUALLY DOING IT! (the girls were laughing until Copia yelled at them)


CUMULUS (serious): They're not doing anything... They're outside!

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