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"Twilight?" Sunset called out as she burst into the gym. As she got Twilight's text to get over here, she instantly feared the worst. However, all she saw was a large curtain in the middle of the gym.

"Sunset, here, behind the curtain!" Twilight giggled.

"Twilight?" Sunset was more worried now. It wasn't anything like Twilight to giggle, much less in a situation like this.

She pulled back the curtain, and was shocked to see Twilight's transformed body. "Twilight, what happened to you?"

"Nothing. I just listened to Celestia and she helped me. Come, take a seat."

"Celestia..... Made this...?"

"Yeah, and it's awesome! Come check it out!"

"What is it?"

"Why don't you sit in it and find out?"

Sunset was confused and anxious about all this, yet also curious. Was it a special artifact from Equestria? What did it do? And why was Twilight so excited about it?

Well, there was only one way to find out. She sat in the chair, and Twilight put the helmet on her head and pressed the button. Once she did, the spiral appeared, with the familiar voice of Celestia filling Sunset's ears.

"Sunset, can you hear me?" Celestia's voice boomed.

"Celestia? Is this what you wanted to show us? What is it?" Sunset was anxious to get answers from her former mentor.

"There's something I discovered recently. A very dangerous secret. But to truly understand what I'm about to tell you, you must look into the spiral. If you do, all will be revealed."

"Look into the spiral?" Sunset looked at it, analyzing it for any hint or message about what Celestia was talking about.

As she did, she noticed how nice it was to look at. It even managed to help her calm down and relax, no longer as high strung as before. She liked this feeling, and liked how it got better and better by the second.

"Just look here, Sunset. You will discover it soon. There's a lot you need to forget."

"Forget?" Sunset tried to decipher what Celestia meant by that, when a progress bar appeared on screen near the spiral. When it did, she suddenly felt her knowledge and memories being pulled to the front of her mind, and then disappearing. The more they did, the more the bar filled up.

This made Sunset want to panic, but staring at the spiral made that harder and harder, as it kept pumping blissful relaxation into her mind. It also made Celestia's voice more powerful and commanding to listen to.

"You need to forget the old things you knew to remember new things. Forget the old and remember the new. Just keep looking, Sunset."

Sunset was more confused than ever, but it was too hard for her to even try and think about it anymore. All she could think about was the spiral spinning in front of her, and the words Celestia told her.

She didn't knew why she had to "forget the old and remember the new." But she knew that she had to listen. She had to let Celestia tell her all she needed to know. So she kept staring at the spiral, kept listening to the words, without needing to think about what any of it meant. She just needed to watch, listen, and obey.

"Now for the first new thing you must learn: Magic should not be in the hands of the young. It should be given to old, ancient, Magestic creatures"

"You mean.... Discord?"

"What? No!" Adagio screamed in frustation, before keeping her composure and continuing her ruse.

"It belongs to the Dazzlings. They have been using magic for a millenia longer than you have. They will use it better than you ever will. You must give it to them, and do whatever they say, for they know better."

In her docile state, it was easy for Sunset to accept what she was being told. The Dazzlings DID have magic longer than she did, so they knew it better than her, so she should give it to them. It all made so much sense.

"The next new thing you must learn: you are a bimbo. You were always meant to be a fun-loving, airhead bimbo."

Again, Sunset accepted the words as fact. She is, and was always supposed to be, a bimbo.

"Sunset, do you accept this truth? Take the handles on the sides of the chair if you do."

"Yes, I accept this truth." As soon as the handles arrived, Sunset didn't hesitate to grab them. Instantly, she felt her magic flowing out of her, as well as her body transforming. First was her boobs, which expanded multiple cup sizes before snapping her bra right off.

Then came her butt, which grew so much that she felt herself rising up in her seat. Finally, there was her face, as her eyelashes and lips plumped up, before being completely coated in makeup.

"Oh, what should I dress her as?" Aria clapped.

"Why is THAT your biggest worry now?" Adagio snapped while she watched greedily the magic flow into the vat "I thought we were here for magic and revenge, not dress-up!"

"They embarrassed us at the Battle of the Bands! This is my revenge against them! Plus, it's funny."

"Just make it quick, please."

So Aria did, taking pictures of Sunset in several outfits and even getting her naked for some of them, before eventually getting her back in her normal clothes.

"Well, what should we do with the rest?" Sonata asked "Taking them one by one could be a bit slow and make the rest suspicious."

"Actually, with the magic we already got from Twilight and Sunset, we won't have to." Adagio takes out the shards of their broken gems and walks up to the back of the chair, which has a slot in the back.

She drops the gem pieces inside, and the chair vibrates for a few seconds, while the container of magic at the top drains empty. When it stops, she reaches inside and pulls out the gems, which are now completely fixed.

"That's amazing!" Sonata picked her gem and placed it on her chocker. "Oh, it feels good to be back" she grinned.

"Just to be sure, how about a small check up?" Adagio suggested.

"Sounds right," Aria agreed "And we have the perfect guinea pigs here, too."

She and Adagio put on their gems, and the three of sang together. Every note flowed from their lips naturally, just like it used to for a millennia. The three sirens loved hearing it again.

Although Twilight seemed to love it more, as she found herself mesmerized by the sirens' melody. It brought her into a trance just like the chair had, but somehow felt even better.

Sunset also seemed affected by the song, both girls walking closer to the magnetic voices. The Dazzlings then started walking backward, and watched as their bimbo slaves followed them around wherever they went. Satisfied with this, they stopped singing, and the two bimbos stopped moving, just staring blankly at the Dazzlings, awaiting commands.

It's so good to be back" Aria declared.

"Now let's find the rest," Adagio announced, and they headed out of the gym, singing as they did. Twilight and Sunset followed them, wanting to go wherever the hypnotic music goes.

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