Chapter Seventy Three - Daella

Start from the beginning

There is a knock at the door and I flinch as it rattles in my head.

"Come in Aeris." Alvaryn calls out quietly, fingers returning to combing through my hair.

"Everything alright?" I hear Aeris ask as he enters the room.

Both had spent every night since the death of the King and Queen in my rooms and I was not complaining. I knew I only had a limited amount of time with them before they would leave and I wanted to spent as much of it as possible with them.

"Headache." Alvaryn answers as I feel Aeris weight settle on the bed.

"Dearest," I open my eyes to find his right in front of mine. "Can I do anything?" He asks in a whisper.

"She can't use anymore of her tonic, this seems to be the only thing that helps." Alvaryn answers as I shake my head.

"Didn't you used to get headaches like this?" Aeris asks, lying down in front of me and taking hold of my hand.

"I did, I was just telling Dae about it and how mother used to help." He answers, their voices hushed.

"No I mean, it was your magic, right? When you were coming into your magic, the headaches were signs of it." He replies and I open my eyes, finding his studying me, he smiles, kissing the tip of my nose.

"Yes, every magic has a physical manifestation when it starts to show itself, just like you had your tantrums and screaming fits." Alvaryn answers.

"Right, and Demwyn became restless, constantly fidgeting if I recall the stories." Aeris replies.

I blink, listening to them speak back and forth.

"Correct." Alvaryn says.

"So, what I am saying is, what if this is a physical manifestation? What if Daella's body is accepting the magic and the headaches are a sign of it?" He asks, eyes wide and excited.

"What?" I ask in a whisper.

"I mean, it's possible." Alvaryn replies, fingers stilling in my hair. "I suppose with everything that has happened and how long it's been I just assumed she wouldn't get any of her own magic. But, maybe, maybe it's just taken longer, Quirin said some were more resistant."

"Exactly, so this could be her body accepting the magic and coming into it." Aeris smiles, fingertips touching my cheek. "Has there been anything else?" He asks looking at me. "Have you felt overly angry?" He asks and I blink.

"I don't think so...I mean I've always had a bad temper." I answer.

"This will be different, it will be more overwhelming, more consuming." He replies.

I think to earlier today, when I had been so lost in anger that I hadn't even paid attention to where I was walking.

"Or feeling hot? Like you're going to burst into flames?" He asks growing more excited by the second.

I remember the night I had woken up from a nightmare and felt like my skin was on fire, I had soaked in an ice cold bath and sat by the open window until sunrise.

I nod slowly and he grins.

"Do you know what this means?" He asks excitedly and I wince at the volume of his voice. "Sorry" He whispers as Alvaryn's fingers start combing my hair again. "It means you could have your own magic."

"Well we don't know that for certain." Alvaryn says quietly.

"No, but all the signs are pointing that way. We need to speak to Quirin about it." Aeris replies still smiling at me. "You don't look happy about the idea of having magic." He says, smile fading.

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