Chapter 6

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Alice was confused. How had ten years already passed? She propped herself on the edge of the armchair and sighed. 

This is exactly what the Sorcerer of Sauces said would happen. She would get instant fame, instant success, instant fortune. But did she really deserve it? After all, she didn't work to get it--she cheated. She was a fraud. All because of a magic coin. 

Alice hesitated before answering.

"Ten years?" She paused, considering the next question.

"Wendy, what was my life like before--" she looked around. 

"All of this."

Wendy gave her a confused expression. 

"Madame, are you feeling okay?"

Alice smiled. 

"I'm feeling great!" she said, knowing that Wendy probably wouldn't be convinced.

Wendy shrugged.

"You were a nobody, Madame. At least that's what you told us. Nobody even knew you existed."

Wendy walked over to the end table, nearest to the couch. She opened the drawer and took out what looked like a photo album. She flipped through to the middle section and handed it to Alice.

"This is what your life was like, before all of this."

Alice took the album from Wendy and glanced down at the picture. There she was, standing in front of her crummy little apartment complex. Thinking about how much she didn't miss that place.

She turned the page. 

There was her living room with the small crummy couch and the makeshift end table. 

"Why do I have this?"

Wendy shifted her weight.

"To remind you of what you don't want and never want again."

She looked at the date--October 12, 2013. It had been ten years. Impossible.  

She flipped through the pages and paused, stopping at one in particular. 

Her family and her friends were all in the group photo with Alice in the center. They were all smiling. She in return smiled at the memory. Remembering how happy everyone was.

"Are my family and friends coming to this party?"

Wendy shot her a look and looked down. 

"Madame, you haven't spoken to them in years. Ever since you became famous, you pushed them all away. They tried to reconnect, but you were too busy with your lifestyle."

Alice's face fell. Too busy? 

She felt a pang of guilt for something that she hadn't even done, but what the coin did. She could feel the twitch of pain in her heart. What if she could repair the damage?

Alice continued to look through the album until she stumbled upon another photo. 

"Who is this?" She held up the picture and pointed at it.

"That's your great-grandfather, Madame. Albert Cormile. Some say he was a--" she whispered the words. 

"Sorcerer." Alice almost had to strain to hear her.

It was the Sorcerer. The Sorcerer was her great-grandfather? He died before she was even born. How is this even possible?

Wendy was quiet for a few moments. 

"Madame, it is getting late. I have to get home. My shift was over an hour ago."

Alice suddenly snapped out of her trance. "Oh, sorry. Okay. Nice job, today. See you tomorrow?"

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