Kung fu panda part 1

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[A mysterious warrior, with his identity hidden beneath a flowing robe and wide-brimmed hat, treks with his staff across a bridge above a huge lake.]
Everyone marveled at the 2d animation. It was truly eye candy at its fullest.

Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. He traveled the land in search of worthy foes.
Those that knew Po chuckled at his energetic voice.

[The warrior approaches a large tavern towering in front of him. A gang of bandits harassing the rabbit staff inside are startled when the warrior enters abruptly, and stare silently as he passes them and sits at a table. As he eats, the gang surrounds him.]
Everyone tensed up at this sight.

I see you like to Chew. Maybe U should chew ON MY 👊🏻! [Slams fist onto table.]
Rocket,Lylla,Skipper,Rico,Peter Quill,Snowball,Mantis(KFP) and Monkey laughed while others continued to look at the screen.

The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full. [He holds up his paw.] Then he swallowed. [He swallows.] And then he spoke.

Enough talk. Let's fight! SHA-SHA-BOOEY!
Everyone laughed at Po's line delivery.

[The warrior delivers a series of punches and kicks and the whole gang goes flying in various directions.]
Duke,Snowball,Peter Quill,Groot,Poppy,Skipper,Rico,
Kowalski,Private,Teefs and King Julien' jaws droppped in amazement at this kick-ass scene.

He was so deadly in fact that his enemies would go blind from overexposure to pure awesomeness!
"How is that possible?"Branch asked quietly.

[blindly flailing about] MY EYES!
Puss and Kitty winced.

Puss,Rocket,Peter Quill,Drax,Megamind,Skipper and Classified scoffed.

And attractive!
Snowball chuckled lightly, reminding him of his daydream when dressing up as Captain Snowball to go save Hu.

How can we repay you?

There is no charge for awesomeness... or attractiveness.
Everyone could only roll their eyes while Po pouted.

[One hundred assassins appear and surround the warrior. The entire bar swells, packed to the rafters with ninjas.]
Everyone winced at the large number. Can the dragon warrior take on...all that?

The tension broke once more, but this time round, Ruby also laughed alongside them.

[The roof explodes and the warrior with a cloud of ninjas erupts into the sky. Like a tornado, the warrior twists and kicks them away rapidly.]
Everyone's jaws which didn't drop then, dropped now.

It mattered not how many foes he faced. They were no match for his bodacity.
Everyone except for a stubborn few nodded.

[Two groups of thousands of foes leap at the warrior while in the air, but with a single flashy move he sends them flying. The beaten warriors plummet into the lake like rain as the warrior treks back across the bridge.]
Everyone except for Shifu was in awe.

Never before had a panda been so feared... and so loved. [He looks up towards the Jade Palace, where a group of five warriors stand in various poses.] Even the most heroic heroes in all of China, the Furious Five, bowed in respect to this great master.
Ruby blew an airhorn,"No fucking spoilers!"

[The Five leap down from the palace, land in front of the warrior, and bow respectfully, before flanking in positions on both sides of him.]

We should hang out.
Monkey looked in Po's direction, which the panda only looked away, whistling innocently.

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