01, 𝐦𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧

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✧₊・˚.˚ *꒰ঌ ✩₊˚.⋆★⋆⁺₊✧໒꒱ * ˚.˚・₊✧

"Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same."

 - The Fray

✧₊・˚.˚ *꒰ঌ ✩₊˚.⋆★⋆⁺₊✧໒꒱ * ˚.˚・₊✧

Something inside of Emmie broke the night Daphne Labonair died in ways Emmie could never imagined. Her comfort and laughter vanished in an instant. She was breaking a promise she made back then as she returned to the infamous town of Mystic Falls. Emmie made a vow not to go back there, but here she is...

Daphne and Emmie wanted to stay away from this spot. The only thing she had left was the sound of their laughter vibrating in the breeze, but the future had other ideas and tore her away from me. The echoes grow louder as she gets out of the car and approaches the town square. For a brief moment, she allowed herself to be overcome by the memories of when the Salvatores were more than just names in history books. The old clock tower is a silent witness to the passage of time. 

Her phone beeps; it was Stefan Salvatore, the boy Emmie used to believe had the secret to opening her heart and leaving a message. His remarks serve as a sharp reminder of the suffering she believed she had moved on from. "Who are you?" he says, his voice tinged with bitterness.  Right after contacting him during her car ride.  Emmie breathed in deeply, feeling his words weigh heavily on her. All the vows made in the 1800s under the moonlight and the jokes told at balls were burned into ashes. There's no telling what lies in the shadows of Mystic Falls, and looking up at the moonlit sky, Emmie can't help but wonder if broken promises are all that's left behind. She felt betrayed Stefan didn't remember her. 

The next day, she couldn't help but be drawn to Mystic Grill's recognizable exterior. The room was filled with the lingering smell of memories, and there was a faint murmur of conversations. She used to hang out there in the 1800s, a place where we used to laugh and be friends before darkness entered our lives. 

The door chimed softly as Emmie walked in, signalling her arrival. Everyone in the room was silent for a brief moment, staring at Emmie with curiosity. Unfazed, she walked over to an empty booth, attempting to eliminate the feeling that she was an intruder. Emmie gets a coffee, hoping its warmth will help Emmie beat the last of the chill. Her attention was momentarily drawn to the rising steam, which provided a brief distraction from her surroundings.

That's when she saw him.

Seated at the bar was Stefan Salvatore, an unexpected present from her past. A brunette was talking to him, and her laughter sounded in the Fowler's ears like broken glass. Elena, Emmie assumed. Daphne told Emmie about Stefan being seen with her. And somehow she looks a lot like Katherine Pierce that traitor and the girl the Salvatores went crazy for. Her looks annoyed me.

When our gazes met, time appeared to stop. Stefan looked at Emmie for a long moment, his eyes flickering with surprise and realization. Her eyes kept going to the man who had once had Emmie's heart. Emerald rolled her eyes pretending she didn't know who he was hoping he had forgotten about Emmie already... Stefan turned to face Emmie instead of Elena. The sound of his footsteps lingered in the still air. Emmie avoided his gaze to prevent him from approaching her. 

"Emmie," he said, his voice tinged with a thing other than disbelief. "What the hell are you doing here?" Stefan asked a question...Emmie already knew that he hated her. Emmie paused, collecting any remains of her confidence. "Going back to a spot I vowed to forget," She answered, maintaining a steady tone despite Emmie's intense feelings. 

Stefan was about to move further when a fresh presence appeared. A brunette with questioning eyes named Elena stepped forward and demanded to know, "Who the hell are you?" She spoke in a tone that was both suspicious and protective.

"I'm Emerald Fowler," Emmie said. Elena viewed Emmie with suspicion on her face as she narrowed her eyes at her introduction. "Emerald Fowler" She struck back, "Never heard of you." Knowing that this name wasn't very common, Emmie smiled a little. She looked at Stefan, who appeared to be involved in difficulties of memories, and said, "I knew Stefan from way back."

"Knew Stefan, huh?" Elena answered, her voice tinged with a little jealousy. "From where?" "Old friends, Elena she is from a long time ago," Stefan said before Emmie could reply. Back then, we were pals. Emmie sensed the unspoken question in her eyes: why had she come to Mystic Falls, and what was her relationship with Stefan? But Elena was not to be easily convinced. "Stefan, everything seems a little too random. Emmie refuses to believe it."

Emmie asked, "Wait..so Elena knows you're a vampire?" Stefan replied, "Yes, she does Elena found out" Elena's expression changed to one of surprise and realization as her eyes widened. "So she is...?" Elena asked unable to finish her sentence. Stefan shook his head as our eyes sealed. "She is not a vampire, Emerald is a witch." 

Elena's eyebrows drew together, her expression clearly showing confusion. "A witch? Really? Elena questioned. In agreement with Stefan, Emmie nodded. "Yes, a witch, Elena. Besides vampires, there are other beings in this world." Taking the lead, Stefan realized he had to do something about the increasing discomfort. "I know this is a lot to process, Elena, but Emmie and I have a very long history together. Our shared past predates the development of Mystic Falls as you know it."Elena's doubt persisted, her gaze fixed on me. "So, why have you returned here? And why now?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mixture of curiosity and scepticism

Stefan made the awkward suggestion to move to a different location. In a tactful attempt to handle the complications of our reunion, he suggested, "How about we continue this conversation somewhere more private?" Emmie agreed and nodded. "Yes, we should". Emmie hesitated, unsure of how much she should reveal. "I came back to Mystic Falls because... because there are things I need to take care of," she replied, choosing her words carefully. "As for why now, well... let's just say the timing felt right."

Stefan studied her for a moment, his gaze intense. "What kind of things do you need to take care of?" he asked, his voice quiet but insistent. Emmie bit her lip, struggling to find the right words. "Personal matters," she replied evasively, hoping to deflect their questions. "Well, my hybrid best friend Daphne died". Elena frowned, clearly unsatisfied with her answer. "And what does Stefan have to do with all of this?" she pressed. 

Stefan said, "I think what Elena means to ask is... why did you contact me?" he said, his voice calm but firm. Emmie swallowed hard, "I... I needed to see you," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I needed to know if... if things were still the same between us."

Stefan's expression softened, a hint of sadness flickering in his eyes. "Emmie, you know things can never go back to the way they were," he said gently. "Too much has changed." Emmie felt a pang of hurt at his words, but she knew he was right. "I know," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "But I had to try." The conversation fell into a tense silence, the weight of their shared history hanging heavy in the air. Emmie glanced at Stefan, her heart aching with longing for what could have been.

But as she looked into his eyes, she saw only sadness and regret staring back at her. And in that moment, Emmie knew that no matter how hard she tried, she could never change the past. With a heavy heart, she stood from the table, her resolve wavering. "I should go," she said quietly. 

Before Emmie leaves. Elena said, "Wait," Emmie stood waiting for what Elena wanted to say. Elena said, "Please, don't contact Stefan ever". Emmie was biting her lips trying to hold her tears, "Yes, I won't". 

✧₊・˚.˚ *꒰ঌ ✩₊˚.⋆★⋆⁺₊✧໒꒱ * ˚.˚・₊✧




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