Chapter : 15 {Sanji}

Start from the beginning

She was sitting in a chair, she had h/c hair and pretty eyes, she was sitting there like an angel

She was drinking tea, my classyy laddyyyyyyyy, she was wearing a very beautiful gown, she must be rich

She had a small smile on her lips and was looking at someone inside..... God, is this the woman of my dreams?

She turned my way, all of a sudden a shocked expression came over her face and she closed the curtains in a hurry

Huh? Did she think I am a perv who creeps over any girl I see?

(Not wrong lol)

Y/n' POV :


is god playing around with us???
Is this some kind of joke???

"SISTERRRRR!!" I heard Umi down the hall

She ran to me and shouted again

"SANJI IS HERE!!" Said Umi

".... I... Saw him from the window.... " I replied as I sighed

"Uhm... There is no problem right? I already paid him so he is gonna go now, there should not be any more problem here right?" Said Umi as she took a seat

".... I mean, of course there won't be--" Before I finished my sentence I saw Suki running towards us while panicking

"What happened Suki?" I asked

"Mom... MOM FAINED!" Suki exclaimed

"WHATTTT?!" me and Umi shouted as we both went to the garder where Suki said Yuki san was

We saw the caretaker there.... And SANJI

I stopped at my tracks however its not the time to worry about him... Yuki is sick!

I went and asked

"What happened here?"

"My- my lady!! My lady fained" Said the caretaker

"Should we not call a doctor??" I asked

"The family doctor is already on his way!"

"Uhm,lets take her inside first!!" Said Umi as I tried to hold Yuki but it was too much weight for a girl like me..

"Should i call the guards-" Asked the caretaker but Sanji broke his silence and said

"I can't just stand and watch some ladies in distress! Let me help you carry her to her room!" Said sanji as he threw his cig away

"Th- thank you" I mumbled worried

Sanji carried Yuki bridal style and started walking towards the house

"He- her room is upstairs!" Said the caretaker

"Just take her to the sofa! Upstairs is gonna be too tough!" I remarked

"Good point" Said sanji as I blushed

..... What's this intimate energy he is giving of all of a sudden?

We entered the house and the doctor came, he told us to get out of the room and wait on the other room, the caretaker lady decided to stay and help

Me,umi,suki and sanji got out

We sat there waiting for other informations about Yuki

.... I know I should be the one strong here.....
But for some reasons.... I can't hold back my tears..... This reminds me of the time i was waiting on the hospital waiting room as my parents went through their life and death battle inside...

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