Chapter 3

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I quickly detached Anthony from my breast and fix my shirt. I stand up with Isadora and hold her hand.

Anthony whines but doesn't start crying, thank god.

I hear the door open and footsteps going to the living room where we are.

Lev comes around me and holds my waist.

I try my best to not freak out but it's not working.

My hands are shaking.

A man and a woman appear and enter the room.

You can easily tell that they're my parents, I have my sperm donors eyes and I have my surrogates face shape and nose.

"Who are these people?" Asks the man.

"We were only supposed to get Sophia, the girl" replies the woman.

Both staring at Leo and the kids.

Rage fills me.

These are the people who saved me. The me that they created.

For the sake of the children though, I respond calmly, or something close to it.

"This is my family" I reply. They didn't look like they enjoyed that answer.

"You didn't tell me that your brother had more kids"  The woman says ignoring me.

I glare at them in disbelief.

"He didn't tell me either" he replies starting at us.

Sighing, The man looks at his watch and motions me to come forward.

"Since I'm on a time crunch I'll allow it, Let's just go" he replies.

"Babe, Are you sure?" The woman asks sending glares at us.

"Yes mi Amore, Let's just go" he replies and leaves the room.

Leo looks at me and kisses me.

"I have to go love, but I'll FaceTime you at bed time" he says.

I kiss his lips once again and reply with ok.

Hesitantly I follow the Bianchi's out to a long black vehicle.

I put all of our things into the car along with 2 car seats for the kids. I get into the car and buckle both of them in, sitting comfortable in between them, I eavesdrop in on the Man and Woman's conversation.

The man and woman are having a full blown argument in the front of the car, while both of my children are sleeping.

"Then why the hell did you leave?!" I hear the woman shout.

Anthony shakes awake and before he can cry, I give him his pacifier.

God, Can these people be any louder?!

Sighing, I take one last look at the kids before shutting my eyes too.

I have 0 intention to fall asleep but I have a migraine now from the woman's loud voice.

I'm just going to rest my heavy eyes.

I did in fact end up asleep because I wake up to the car stopping in front of a big mansion.

It must have at least 15 rooms.

Why do people even have big houses like these?

I've always liked the idea of a small cozy house.

Leo is on board too.

Anthony starts crying and the man and woman send me glares.

I simply roll my eyes and try to comfort my baby.

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