Chapter 1

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"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask Isadora."Mmmm..... I want pancakes!" She replies. I nod my head and grab the supplies to make it. "Go watch the movie with Anthony and Daddy," I tell Isadora. "K Mamma!" Isadora replies.

Humming to myself a familiar song, I start the oven and quickly make pancakes. After I finally make the 8th pancake, I turn the stove off and wash the dirty dishes.

Isadora runs into the kitchen with Anthony and Leo following close behind. I feel 2 hands and a baby at my waist.

"How was the movie?" I ask Leo who's behind me. "You can never go wrong with Disney" He replies. I chuckle and turn to kiss him and Anthony.

I serve Isadora.

My boobs are so sore lately, I need a break so I make Anthony a bottle instead of just giving him my breast. I take out the breast milk I pumped from last night and put it into a bottle. I put HOT water into a bowl and set the bottle inside.

"How is it?" I ask Leo and Isadora. "It's good, Thanks mom!" Isadora replies. "Yes, Thank you Amore," Leo says too. I hide my blush and check if the bottle is hot enough. It is.

I take Anthony from Leo and start feeding him. "Are you going to eat love?" Leo asks. I hide my face when I say no. "Amore, You have to eat" He sighs out. "I know, I'm sorry..."I say quietly. He looks straight into my soul with concern.  "Let's talk in the room, Ok?" He asks. "Alright" I reply.

Leo took Isadora to the main room and turned on the T.V for her. I took a squirmy Anthony to his playpen in the main room too. After the kids were settled and ok, We went to the room.

I carefully shut the door and locked it. "Amore, I thought you were getting better," Leo says to me. "I know" I manage to squeak out. I really was getting better , until I looked at my weight. I'm 10 pounds more than my goal was set to. I'm so embarrassed and ashamed of myself. I look down at the floor.

Leo kneels down on the floor and takes my face in his hand. "I love you and I understand getting better is a process, All I'm asking is you let me in and know you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen ok?" He says.

Tears well up in my eyes and I nod. I don't deserve this man. I lean down a peck his lips.

A faint blush appears on his face. "I love you so much," he says softly. "I can guarantee that I love you more" I reply. Leo opens his mouth to reply but is interrupted by Anthony's crying.

"Duty calls" I say and Leo chuckles.

I walk into the main room and see Isadora passed out. She definitely got my exhaustion. I pick up my crying baby and rub his back. He falls asleep quickly and I set him back down in his playpen. I pick up a sleeping Isadora and put her in her bedroom.

Once all kids are sleeping comfortably, I cuddle up with Leo on the couch. "Even though we've been together for years, I still get butterflies around you", I admit to him. He chuckles a bit and adds "Me too Amore". Leo turns on a random movie and cuddles into my side.

Sleep starts to make its way through me, but I'm fighting to stay awake in case Anthony wakes up. "Go to sleep Amore, I've got the kids" Leo says. And with that, I'm asleep.

I wake up to my phone ringing. Slowly waking up, I pick up the phone. "Hello?" I said tiredly. "Hello, Am I speaking to a Sophia Ivana Bianchi?" The unknown person on the other side says.

Flinching as I hear the name, I respond yes. I haven't been called a Bianchi since I went to live with my uncle. The man who ruined my life. I shiver just thinking about it.

"I'm sorry to inform you but your guardian has passed away" the voice says. "My uncles dead?" I say shocked. Leo is now staring at me waiting for me to reply.

"Yes, I'm very sorry for your loss" she says. "So what do I do now?" I ask genuinely curious. "Since your uncle was your legal guardian, You can live with your closest relative or live in a group home", She replies.

I gulp. This is a very hard decision. At my 'parents' house, I will be most likely abused again but I can still see my babies and Leo. At the group home, It will be crowded but hopefully I won't be abused, I can't see my babies or Leo though.

Sighing, I reply saying, "I'll live with the Bianchi's". "Wonderful, I will give the location of your uncles house to the Bianchis, and they will meet you there tomorrow at noon". she says.

Sighing, I reply with a simple "ok", and hang up.

"What happened?!" Leo says. "My uncle's dead" I say, genuinely happy about that front. "Yay!" Leo cheered. I have to shush him because Anthony is sleeping right across the room from us. "So why do you look so sad then Amore?" Leo asks.

"The Bianchi's have custody over me now" I say. Leo's face drops. "Hell no!" He shouts, Not caring anymore about the sleeping baby. "How about we take this to the room?" I ask concerned for my babies ears. "Alright" he says huffing.

I'm practically dragged into our bedroom. "What are you going to do?!" Leo asks. "I don't know" I reply honestly. "The kids are too attached to me and Anthony's too young to be without me overnight, So I'll have to take them" I say.

Leo exhales and puts his head in my chest. "This freaking sucks babe" he says softly. "I know honey, I know" I exhale.

"You could stay with me?" I suggest. "The Bianchi's would kill me if they saw me with you probably" He replies. "How do you know that?" I ask. "I don't but your uncle almost killed me the first time he saw me too" he says tiredly. "True" I say thinking.

"We already have a house up there" Leo says. I nod. "You can sometimes sneak into the house at night and can always hang out with us in the day" I say.

"I can do that baby" he says. "Ok" I say finally taking a breath.

Leo sits on the bed and pulls me to sit on him.

"I miss your pregnancy belly" Leo says. I blush and run my fingers through his hair. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah" he says sheepishly. I bring his face up and kiss him. "We're gonna have another baby if you don't stop being so cute" Leo whispers in my ear. My stomach flipped. I was as red as a tomato and I think he saw it, because he started chuckling.

I would probably be considering it if Anthony wasn't so young and needy.

"When do the Bianchi's pick you up?" He asks. "Tomorrow at noon" I sigh out. "We should probably get packing then" Leo says. "Yeah" I reply.

I start packing all of Anthony's things while Leo is packing for Isadora. I get all except one onesie for tomorrow packed into a bag, then I pack all of his toys and blankets. I toss in the bag all except 3 diapers and 1 bottle. I also fold down his bassinet and playpen and put it in the trunk of my car. He'll just sleep with me and Leo tonight.

Once I got everything necessary for Anthony in 2 bags, I was done with him and packed all of mine and Leo's stuff. Since we're not moving officially out of this house, There will still be a number of things here for when we come back.

I hear a soft knock on the door and then it opens revealing Isadora. "Hey mama," Isadora said tiredly as she jumps in my lap. "Hey love, How was your nap?" I ask. "Good" she answers.

I pick up Isadora and walk to the main room to hang out for the rest of the day.

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