Chapter Forty Four

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"Are you out of your mind?" Azriel growled the moment we landed inside Rhysand's mothers cabin. I panted, watching Azriel as the world spun before me. He was trembling, from anger or cold I didn't know.

"What the fuck." I heard Cassian say, though he sounded distant.

Azriel did not seem to hear him, his hazel eyes alive with rage. "Do you realize what you've done?" He seethed. "Do you think the mortal queens will be any more convinced to give us their half of the Book after you misted a mountain?"

Despite being on the verge of passing out, I clenched my fists and forced myself to stand up straight. I knew my power burned in my eyes, knew it danced up my arms. "I didn't have much of a choice. The soldiers kept coming, and I couldn't even shield myself from their arrows." I said with a deathly calm.

Azriel showed no sign of backing down. "You should have let me help you." He said more quietly. I swallowed, leaning onto the table to steady myself.

"You were too injured."

"So you took control of my mind to make sure I stayed still and waited for you as you took on hundreds of soldiers." He hissed, his voice like icy venom. "You broke into my mind. You stole my free will."

I couldn't help but flinch at the anger in his words. He wouldn't even meet my eyes.

All I could think to say was "I'm sorry." The words were barely more than a whisper. Azriel shook his head, his shadows somehow making him look even more furious.

"You were careless. And if you ruined our chance of getting the Book-"

"Well maybe you shouldn't have gotten yourself caught, and then I wouldn't have had to go save you." I hissed. I didn't even know what I was saying anymore, my power taking more control of my body than my mind.

Azriel finally met my eyes, a relentless storm in them. I thought he would say something, thought he would scream at me some more. I wanted him to- I deserved it.

But he only took a sharp breath and shook his head. And he turned from me, limping away, dragging his injured wing.

I could do nothing but stare at him as he disappeared around the corner, then listen to the slamming of the door, the entire cabin rattling.

"What the hell happened now?" Cassian said, exhaustion evident in his voice. I had forgotten he was even there. I turned to him, my wrath still a living thing singing in my blood.

Cassian's eyes widened. "Easy there. It's Az you're mad at, not me." I blinked.

My power was violently thrumming, almost taking control of me. I pushed it down, hissing against the sharp pain in my head. Despite the hand that gripped the table, I lost my balance.

Cassian was at my side in an instant, holding me upright. He helped me to the couch, where I collapsed, my arm burning.

The male kneeled beside me, scanning me. My skin was covered in burn marks from those chains, though they no longer stung and were already fading. I waved a hand in the air. "I'm alright. Just tired." I told him.

It wasn't a complete lie. The wound in my arm was already healing, despite how much it hurt. Still, Cassian looked at me warily. "Are you going to explain the situation to me?"

I sighed, gripping onto consciousness with all my strength. And I told him everything that had happened, from my vision of Azriel, to drowning the soldiers under an avalanche.

Cassian let out a long breath. "Honestly," he said, running a hand through his hair. "I wish I was there to watch that."

I somehow managed to laugh, my body aching with the movement.

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