Chapter Seven

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-Under the Mountain-

The throne room's doors were thrown open, and in stepped the entire Spring Court, their High Lord leading them.

Tamlin's face was utterly expressionless as he approached Amarantha, his eyes empty underneath his mask. A pace behind him was Lucien, who's eyes flashed to me. I wondered if he ever realized that I had helped him. I hoped not.

Amarantha rose from her throne, and everyone in the room stilled. "Tamlin. How nice it is to see you again." Silence. Tamlin did not answer, did not even move a muscle. He stared forward, not quite at Amarantha, but rather in her general direction. The female's face faltered for a moment, before she took a seat on her throne once more. "Come sit. I have been waiting for you."

Tamlin obeyed, stepping up on the dais and taking his place on the throne besides hers. I closed my eyes, realizing we would truly never be saved. This was what the rest of my life was going to be like. I would have to serve Amarantha, torturing and killing whoever she told me to. The only thing I even had to live for was Rhysand. And my dreams of Azriel.

I quickly pushed the thought out of my mind, forcing my eyes open once more. It was much too risky to even think of him here. After all these years, Rhys and I had managed to keep Velaris and all of its citizens a secret. I couldn't risk them.


Three days had passed since the seven times seven years had concluded, and Prythian's hope for salvation had been lost. There was something different in the air; like it was heavier. Like we were all finally accepting our inescapable fate.

Amarantha seemed to enjoy our misery, her face glued into that wicked smirk that made my fists clench. But at least not everything was going her way. Tamlin had yet to succumb to Amarantha's words, had yet to even acknowledge her. Anyone could tell that it made her rage, and it gave me the smallest amount of satisfaction to see that the 'love of her life' had no interest in her.

The rest of the Spring Court hadn't received as warm of a welcome. Everyone resented them for having nearly five decades more of freedom than the rest of us, and for failing to complete such an easy task. Though that was no one's fault but Tamlin, however no one dared to disrespect him to his face. Taunting his court was the only thing they could do to bother him without upsetting Amarantha.

My role, at least, had not faltered. I still stood at Amarantha's side, while Rhys now stood at Tamlin's. I could tell it was driving both of them insane. I hadn't had to kill any of the new visitors, so far. Only punish a few who dared to disrespect Amarantha. In a matter of days, I was almost as feared and hated by the Spring Court as Amarantha herself.

The doors suddenly flung open, and my heart stopped in my chest atwhat it was. The Attor, clutching a human girl. Clutching the human girl.

My eyes flashed to Rhysand, who looked expressionless, but I could tell he was screaming internally. Tamlin's reaction was the same; his face did not falter, but a quick look through his mind showed me he was truly in agony.

The girl was more beautiful than I remembered, though perhaps it was because in my vision she had been dying. She looked youthful, and so utterly human. I could smell her fear, but she did not manifest it. Her face was set in a scowl, and she stood up straight. I couldn't help but admire her a bit.

The Attor threw her against the floor, and I couldn't help but be reminded of when I was in her shoes. She pushed herself up onto her elbows, forcing her head up, and stared right at Amarantha. The girl took in the sight before her, her eyes widening a bit. Then her eyes fell on Rhysand, though she quickly averted them. Then they fell on me, our gazes meeting.

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