Chapter Five: Shake Your Groove Thing

Start from the beginning

"Excuse me dear," The woman said, and Eddie pointedly ignored her. "It is rude not to respond when someone is speaking to you."

"Oh, I am sorry, I was told never to talk to strangers." Eddie said as she took the chai latte from Artie, the regular barista. "Thanks Artie."

"No problem Dr. Sousa." Artie said, making sure the words Dr. Sousa were able to be heard clearly, and the sour look the woman had giving her turned to shock. It was like she short circuited and was frozen in place.

Eddie gave the woman a smile. "Excuse me ma'am. Don't want to be late. Lives to save an all that."

"Of course." The woman said quickly scrambling away.

"What was that about?" Izzie asked as she and George joined Eddie on either side of her.

"Judgmental woman." Eddie said with a shrug, as Izzy nodded as the three made their way into the hospital.

"So, you're coming to the party tonight right?" Izzie asked the youngest intern.

Eddie bite her lip. While she did enjoy a good party, and she didn't (and shouldn't because of her age and pregnancy) need to drink to have fun. Watching a bunch of her co-workers get drunk was not her idea of a good time. What started off as an innocent get to meet Izzie's boyfriend was spiraling into a frat-like party. She had never been to one, but she knew from movies like Animal House, that they were liquor fueled bad-ideas.

"Izzie, I'm pregnant and underage." Eddie reminded her.

"There will be other drinks there, and dancing. Come on. Please." Izzie begged.

"We'll see how tired peanut makes me after my shift and I'll see." Eddie placated the former model who nodded.


Adults have to be places and do things and earn a living and pay the rent. And if you're training to be a surgeon, holding a human heart in your hands... Hello! Talk about responsibility.


Three hours into their shift, Meredith Grey was in the O.R., holding the heart, as Dr. Burke worked. Meredith was so tired from working two long shifts in a row and she felt like ever since she moved to Seattle there wasn't enough hours in the day, closing her eyes and dozing off for a second. Her hand squeezes the heart she's holding.

"What was that Dr. Grey?" Burke asked.

"Sorry, it slipped. My hands." Meredith said, perking up.

"It's okay, I'm done. You can release Mrs. Patterson's heart now. Very gently. All right. Let's warm her up. Get her off bypass." Burke said.


Kinda makes bikes and cookies look really really good, doesn't it?


Up in the observation deck Eddie, Cristina, and George were watching Burke's surgery. To learn, but, also to support Meredith. 

"I wish I could hold a heart." George said.

" A monkey could hold a heart." Cristina scoffed.

"You're mad Burke didn't ask you." Eddie said knowingly as Cristina shrugged. 

It was no secret that Cristina Yang had already declared what she wanted her specialty to be. Cardio. And, she had been trying to get into Burke's good graces since day one. She wanted to be in all of his surgeries, and his surgeries alone. And, whenever another intern got to scrub in, she was always a bit annoyed she wasn't chosen, even if she wasn't in cardio for the day.

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