She is in relat.......

Start from the beginning

I felt a mixture of confusion and curiosity about her actions. Why did she choose this moment to remind me of unfinished tasks? Was there a hidden message in her touch and the way she looked at me?

"It's in my locker, let's go, and I'll give it to you."

We entered the locker room; the whole class was still in PE, and we were alone. She sat on the bench while I searched for the notebook.

"Here. Take it," I handed her the notebook, looking her in the eyes.

She smiled and said: "I'll check it for tomorrow, for sure."

Unable to hold her gaze any longer, I turned away, pretending to focus on rearranging my gym bag. Miss Jiu, too, seemed to break the tension by taking a step back. The air returned to normal, but the atmosphere in the gym had shifted.

She was already heading to the exit, and I was starting to relax, but suddenly turning back, she said:

"I'm organizing a group for a trip to the exotic butterfly exhibition... and I need four more people; maybe you and the girls would agree to go... You seem quiet, and I think there won't be any problems with your behavior. Right?.."

Smiling, I approached her: "We agree. When do we leave?"

"Just like that... Have you already decided for them?" She said with a smile.

"Decided... yes..."realizing what I said, I stumbled.

"Then tomorrow at 9 am at the school entrance," she quickly muttered and almost ran out of the locker room.

"Well, she's a miracle! Wait, she forgot the notebook! Well, exactly a miracle! taking the notebook from the bench, I was already going to catch up with her... And I caught up. At the turn, we collided. " She'll think I have eyes in the wrong place!".

From surprise, she let out a muffled scream and again wrapped her arms around my waist.

Looking at her neck, then at her lips, and then already at her eyes, I said in someone else's voice:

"What about the notebook?"

"Oh... I'm so inattentive, got carried away with this trip."

"Oh... how beautiful she is..." I blushed.

In the midst of the awkwardness, I blurted out, "So, butterflies, huh? Hope they're not as confusing as this encounter!"

We shared a laugh, breaking the tension. As she headed to her office, she turned around with a playful grin, "Who knows, maybe the butterflies will be easier to handle than us!"

We both burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the quiet school courtyard. It was a moment of shared vulnerability, breaking down any remaining barriers between us.

"Where are we looking?!" All at once, my girls pounced on me and started messing with my hair.

"Haha, okay, okay!" I tried to fend them off as best as I could. Honestly!

"So, what were you up to? Spill it!" Dami crossed her arms over her chest.

"Nothing..." I said with an idiotic smile, "By the way, do you guys like butterflies?"

"What butterflies?!" Siyeon asked, confused.

"Which ones, which ones... exotic ones!" I said, slowly backing away. The girls were already preparing to attack. "It's not me! It's all Miss Jiu!"

After my words, the three of them started chasing me!

Well, who knew they weren't interested in butterflies?!

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