Chapter 7 - rescue mission

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As they made their way back home, Vanessa was greeted by Miss Grimshaw, who immediately started barking orders. Vanessa could feel her frustration building up as she struggled to hold her tongue. She couldn't recall the last time someone had tried to dictate how she should do her chores. Vanessa prided herself on being efficient and doing things her way, and the thought of being forced to do them in a less efficient manner made her feel irritated and impatient. Despite her annoyance, she managed to maintain her composure and do her chores albeit reluctantly but she did them Miss Grimshaw way.

Vanessa found herself sitting on her favourite spot on the cliffside, enjoying the view of the vast landscape that was laid out before her. Suddenly, she heard a small child's voice calling out to her. "Hi Miss Clark," the voice greeted. It was Jack, a young boy who seemed very sweet. He was Abigail and John's son, but she had heard rumours about John's parenting skills not being up to par. Vanessa had initially been hesitant to believe it, but she couldn't deny that she had seen firsthand how John avoided his son like the plague.

"Hey Jack" she smiled "how are you?" 

The child politely asked, "May I call you Aunty Vanessa? I call everyone else Uncle or Aunty." Vanessa was filled with joy. She was touched by the child's gesture of acceptance, even if it was just a small thing. "Of course, you can call me Aunty Vanessa," she replied, her heart swelling with affection and gratitude. A smile spread across her face, and for a brief moment, she felt a sense of warmth and belonging that she had not experienced in a long time.

The jack looks at Vanessa with concern and points out, "You've been sitting here for a while. Momma told me the cliffs are dangerous."

"they are dangerous, make no mistake of that," she says, emphasising her point. "But they are stunning. In a world full of ugliness, it's views like this that make up for it all." She spreads her arms wide, gesturing towards the awe-inspiring scenery that surrounds them as if to emphasise her point. The beauty of the world is undeniable, and it's moments like these that make everything else fade away.

"Jack, you're not bothering Miss Clark now are you?" Dutch says as he makes his way to Vanessa followed by Arthur.

"no, no, not at all," she nodded towards Jack "I enjoyed his company" she smiled as Jack wandered off to Abigail.

Dutch, the leader of the gang, gave Vanessa a once-over, like he was assessing her. "I need you to go with Arthur and retrieve Sean," he ordered. Vanessa's heart skipped a beat. Was this finally her chance to prove herself as a capable outlaw? She felt a rush of excitement at the thought of being given her first real job, in this gang anyway. She didn't even know who Sean was, but she was determined to save him and prove her worth to the gang. This was her big moment, and she was ready to seize it." okay, I will" she accepted the mission with pride and confidence she would prove herself.

"here" Arthur throws Vanessa her rifle the one she dropped when she got attacked by the wolves. 

"now?" she asks watching walking off signalling her to follow him.

"yes now"

As Arthur mounted his horse, Vanessa couldn't help but notice the impatient in his blue eyes. He was eager to embark on a mission to save a fellow gang member, and his determination showed in his every move. Vanessa had to hurry and gallop towards him to catch up. She knew that for Arthur, this wasn't just any rescue mission. The gang was like a family, and every member counted. She had been welcomed into this family and knew how much it meant to them. As she rode alongside Arthur, she couldn't help but feel proud to be part of such a close-knit community that stood by each other through thick and thin.

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