| 1998 - Kicks |

18 5 5

Las Vegas, Nevada, 1998

29 Years Old

Lucia had taken her first steps last spring and Apollo decided that the mansion was far too risky for his daughter. Love had once been a feeling so raw and unrealistic before he met Lorelei, and now with their daughter learning through a pair of eyes that matched his own in color, the proud father couldn't remember what it felt like to do anything but love.

Every inch of sharp marble was covered with soft bumpers and two attendants stood at every staircase. Lucia was on the move and she wouldn't be getting hurt any time soon if he could help it. The once cold and empty Amato mansion was alive with finger paintings and bouncing balls, laughter from the tiniest member and applause from the staff sworn to protect her.

Apollo never experienced what a true family was, and to say he flourished in the environment would be a severe understatement. Not only did he perfect the art of love, but he made sure his wife and daughter set their standards so high that no one in their life would push them around.

Even as a toddler, Lucia was the most spoiled girl the entire house had ever seen. Lori was adamant about giving her a normal life, while normal to Apollo meant sparkly pink everything and daddy-daughter dates to exclusive boutiques.

There was no greater joy than watching his baby grow and then snuggling into bed with his wife every night. He had it made, all of the years of doubt and pain had led to this moment and he didn't have a single regret. He made the family he never had and the night that Lori announced that their second child was nestled into her womb, he nearly combusted in joy.

Nine months went by a lot quicker this time, with their first baby girl keeping them busy and Apollo's growing empire taking the rest of his attention. Yet, despite having very little time to himself, he couldn't stop his wandering thoughts. Apollo found himself riddled with anxiety once more.

His father was getting older, and by the ways of his crime family, would soon step down and let Apollo take over. That was stressful enough with the idea of his family becoming more acquainted with criminals, but now, he had another life to worry about.

A life that could very well be his son's.

Apollo never wanted children, not until Lucia took her first breath and mended his fearful heart. He was content with just one, but he wasn't one to deny his wife and when she started asking him for another, it was an easy yes. He hadn't expected it to happen so quickly or for the pregnancy to stick for that matter.

This time, it was Apollo who demanded Lorelei be treated with the fragility of glass. He wanted her to rest, but with a tiny princess to care for, that soon became a challenge. He found himself praying to anyone who would listen to protect her and their baby. He also found himself feeling guilty after he begged to be blessed with another daughter.

The pain in his chest grew each day that Lorelei neared the birth. He was on edge, unfocused on his work, and couldn't wait for the pregnancy to be over. He tried his best to be a supportive partner and he never burdened Lori with the knowledge of her pregnancy being the cause of his dread. 

Instead, he managed his feelings the same way his father had taught him; repression. He swallowed the fear and met his wife in bed each night to rub her sore feet and growing belly, and when she fell asleep with small snores and deep breaths, Apollo talked to his baby.

I'll love you no matter what, he told the fetus, but I'm afraid you'll only get to love me if you're a girl.

His confessions went unheard by his wife, but the kicks responding in her belly at his smooth voice made him believe he was being listened to. It was hard for him to fall asleep, for it was only at night when he knew his family was safely tucked into their warm beds that he could relax enough to think.

He often thought of his mother and the tales of his sisters who never made it past twenty-one weeks. He thought of their pain, their suffering, and if it was the force of six strong women that kept his two safe during the first labor. Would they be there for the second? He talked to her and even though he never knew his mother outside of her womb, he felt like she understood that he was trying to make up for taking her life.

Lorelei Amato went into labor at 35 weeks, a few weeks earlier than her midwife team would have preferred, but Apollo trusted his wife and baby were strong and determined. He never left her side, and unlike the first time she gave birth, he watched the entire ordeal.

Apollo was the one to announce the baby's head full of hair, coiled and dark like their mothers. He had tears in his eyes already and he couldn't decide if it was from fear or excitement, or maybe a little of both. The only feeling he knew for sure was the swell of pride he felt watching his wife breathe through the pain.

She was a goddess-- his goddess. He hadn't seen anyone more powerful than the woman who brought their children into the world and he didn't think he ever would. He wiped her forehead with a damp cloth and with one final push, the heavenly cry of their baby was born.

Apollo cut the cord and stared at the baby's face. He saw Lucia in the baby's features, yet his ears stuck out more on the tiny head. It was only when he placed their fussy newborn on Lorelei's chest that he announced the newest member of the Amato family.

"Well?"  The new mother asked as the baby rooted for Lorelei's food source. Apollo sat on the edge of the bed and stroked the dark head of hair lying on his wife's chest.

"Welcome to the family, Elena Amato."



Apollo should be updated once weekly on Fridays with 18 chapters total <3 short and sweet for my man Polly. But I just cant help myself so we'll be seeing a whole lot more of Apollo in a future story... ;)

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