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A/N: Bold text is for thoughts.

Oh, snap. Today is my first day at my new school and my second year in high school! I'm so nervous!! Why should you care, you ask? Well, allow me to introduce myself. My name is F/n L/n.

My Dad, Papa, and I recently moved to Japan from the States (I'm a California girl lol). My papa was stationed in Japan by the military, so we moved. And now I'm stressing about how to wear my hair for school today. I just decided to wear my hair down and meet Dad in the car.

I have two fathers, Dad, and Papa. Dad is my biological father, and Papa is his husband. After my mom and dad divorced, my mom disappeared (I was 5). Then he got married to Papa three years later.

I am now 16 years old, and my dad says I look more like my mom than ever. Though, tons of people agree that I hardly share any kind of physical traits with my mom. I reach the car and hop in the front seat. "Ready to go?" my dad asks. I respond, "I'm in the car, aren't I?" My dad laughs "You're right, good point". He starts the car, and I'm on my way to school.

"How do you like Japan so far?" Dad asks. "It's okay, I miss my friends though," I reply. My dad chortles "It's a small world, you'll see your friends again. And now you can make new friends". "I guess", I say.

As the car ride goes on, the school building becomes more and more visible. Holy guacamole, I'M ALMOST THERE! I roll down my window, stick my head out, and get smacked by the smell of car exhaust. My hair blows in the wind as I hear the different songs coming from the radios of cars that we pass by.

As the school draws nearer and nearer, I become more and more anxious. Will people like me here? What if I don't make any friends!? WHAT IF EVERYONE HATES MEEEEEE!? Thoughts and worries swirled around in my head, so much so that I didn't even notice that we were now out of the car and right in front of the school.

"Here we are sweetheart", my dad exclaims, "this is the beginning of a new adventure".  I gulp as I watch other students walk onto the campus, "Alright Dad, I'm ready". "Have a good day", my dad kisses me on the forehead and nudges me forward toward the school gates.

"You too Dad", I walk through the gates leading to my new adventure. My walk turns into a jog and my vision tunnels onto the school doors. Then in a blink of an eye, WHAM!! I bump into a wall and fall on my big, dumpy wumpy, gyatt ass. Everything goes silent, and then I hear the voice of a boy. "Watch where you're going, annoying bitch" ... Oh no he didn't.

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