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"It's a straightforward question, just one. I believe you might know a great deal about this world, especially being far from your homeland..." spoke the Caimmoth. At this moment, Thece furrowed his brows, having no clue what the girl was talking about.

"Speak up, or do you wish to be killed alongside me by some human hunter?" Thece said, annoyed by how much the girl was beating around the bush. It was almost as if she didn't even know what she was going to ask, appearing confused and attempting to conceal something.

"Do you know of any human worth considering?" asked the girl. Thece even chuckled, thinking the question was a joke, but the girl maintained a serious expression, indicating the gravity of the inquiry. Thece didn't even want to entertain the thought; he had never encountered a human who was remotely worth considering.

"Is there such a human being? Everyone I've met was pure rottenness," Thece laughed. This didn't sit well with the girl, who gripped her bow and arrow tightly, causing her to pull the arrow even further back on the bow while maintaining her stern expression.

"I'll ask again, and this time I expect a serious answer, or I'll have to kill you, and I really wouldn't want that... Do you know of any human worth considering?" spoke the albino girl. This prompted Thece to delve into his memories, searching for any human for whom he felt compassion.

Possibly, at some point in his life, Thece might have felt some form of compassion for a human, but it certainly wasn't etched in his memory. So, the most sensible response to give the Caimmoth was no. However, a memory struck him like an arrow to the head, and he recalled something, though it was certainly not what the summoned girl was seeking.

"No," he answered seriously. Less than a second after his response, an arrow struck the grass less than an inch from his head, leaving a cut on his cheek.

"You're lying; speak up already. Next time, I'll hit one of your limbs, and believe me, it will hurt a lot!" declared the girl, grabbing another arrow swiftly. This angered Thece. What did that girl want him to say, after all?

"I wasn't lying; I genuinely believe no human is worth considering. However, I was thinking of a human girl I felt sorry for when I first arrived in Mucercia," said Thece, expressing his thoughts. This time, the Caimmoth seemed to be believed by the summoned girl.

"Which maiden, and why did you harbor sympathy for her?" inquired the Caimmoth, leaving Thece intrigued as to why she was so eager to delve into this. Few thoughts crossed his mind, and the most plausible hypothesis was that this Caimmoth was simply eccentric. The question she posed was so ambiguous, capable of being answered in myriad ways, that it bordered on the abstract, making it challenging to pinpoint any definitive response to such an inquiry.

"She was alone, weeping on a park bench, and two repulsive men began uttering obscenities about vile deeds they intended for her. I felt an urge to ruthlessly end the lives of those two and present their severed heads to her. Is that what you wished to hear me say?" spoke Thece.

"Well, it's not what I seek, but I know the look of someone speaking the truth. Thank you for that, but I hope you forgive me for this..." said the girl, and before Thece could react, she accurately struck him in the calf.

"You bitch!" shouted Thece, realizing that in addition to the arrow he received in the calf, she was heavily drugged. Many substances didn't affect him, but there were those rare ones that could even bring down a Calineth. He wouldn't pass out, but his senses were undoubtedly dulled, and he needed to remove the arrow.

"Mira!" someone shouted, but Thece lacked the strength even to look, as he was busy trying to extract the arrow from his body. "I'm so relieved you're okay! I was so worried!" spoke the female voice. Thece was glad to at least know the name of this Caimmoth, Mira, who would be the next after the killer of his parents.

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