Chapter 11

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Any normal person would have backed up under such circumstances when you have already pissed off your boss-to-be. The chances of getting the job are negative.

But who said Emine is a normal person? With full confident strides, she went to them and seated herself without even asking. Both Jameel and Fatih were shocked by her audacity.

"Good Morning, Gentlemen!" she chirped.

"Goodbye, lady. I am not hiring you," said Fatih in a clipped tone.

"You can't turn down me without taking my interview. Despite my busy schedule, I have spare time for this interview. You can't refuse me based on past incidents. It's against human rights. I can sue you for this. You would be arrested for this." she slammed her hand on the table.

Pin drop silence in the room.

Fatih just could not believe the girl sitting and speaking in front of him.

He clenched his fist and unexpectedly started the interview.

After asking some random and plain questions he said.

"I don't think that you would last for more than two days, Miss."

"Emine, Miss Emine. I have a name. Use it properly. Mr. Sayar. And you can't say for sure whether I will last longer or not. Maybe at the end of my, probation period, you will be begging me to stay permanently" she replied in a professional tone.

Another shock to him. Jameel was getting worried for the girls' future. Fatih would do something cruel to her, and he was assured of it knowing his friend's nature.

"you are hired, Miss EMINE." he put pressure on every syllable of her name. For a second Emine could not believe her ears.

"Maybe after two days, you will be begging me to fire you," he said while smirking.

"we will see about it. Sir" She accepted his challenge.

And that's how she got hired. Fatih made her sign a contract according to which she couldn't leave her job for six months unless Fatih terminated her job. And if she resigns from the job before six months, Fatih would file a case against her. And she has to pay a fine for it, many thousand dollars.

Inside Emine was screaming and scarring. But she did not let any single emotion on her face. With a huge smile, she signed the contract.

But who knew whether both parties, the employee and employer, had sealed their fates together?

True to his words, Fatih extracted the work from her bones and blood. He made her do hard and sweating tasks.
He expected that at any moment she would resign but that never happened. Every next day she came up with new determination and enthusiasm.

At home, Zeynep was also surprised at her new behavior. Early to rise and late to bed Emine's version was shocking for everyone. But Zeynep was happy that her sister now working hard and she can secure her future now. But she did not know where her sister was working and what was her job. Emine told her that she was working as an assistant. And Zeynep also did not pry so much.

One month passed in a blur. Fatih was also now acquainted with her. He stopped giving her hard tasks. He started to enjoy her company. She did not give her pity looks and also treated him as a normal person. Like he was not a paralyzed or disabled person. She sometimes called him "old and grumpy man", "joy kill." etc. She also told him that he was just wasting his life, by earning so much but not enjoying it. Not a single day of their passed without throwing tantrums at each other. Both do continuous bickering. Sometimes laughed and smiled together. Fatih did not realize that could also be talkative until this girl appeared in his life.

Dead Billionaire's Revenge , (A Tale Of Romance, Betrayal, Revenge, Redemption)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat