I: Turning Tables

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'I can't keep up with your turning tables
Under your thumb I can't breathe
So I won't let you close enough to hurt me
No, I won't rescue you to just desert me'


If Evangeline was being honest, she couldn't actually remember a time where she didn't have her powers. She'd never told anyone about them, not even her parents, for fear she'd be taken away or worse – though that never stopped her experimenting with them and when the time was right, gearing up and taking on the bad guys.

She first found out about her gifts when she was thirteen. It had been her super strength first. Evangeline had been trying to move her bed so that she could find the roll of thread which had slipped under there. Except she had moved the bed more than expected. When attempting to lift the bed slightly off the ground to shift it, Evangeline had ended up lifting the entire piece of furniture off the floor.

The next power she found out about was her ability to climb up walls. She had only been trying to climb a climbing wall at a friend's birthday party and the next thing she knew was she had finished the wall and was now climbing the ceiling. That had been a tricky one to explain to her parents.

The powers just continued to come, hearing things she shouldn't be hearing, being able to anticipate what her brain perceived as an attack a second before it happened, pricking her finger with a sewing needle only to have no mark of it after. Every year that passed, Evangeline would have some new gift to add to her ever growing arsenal.

Until, one day, when she turned nineteen, Evangeline decided to join the fight against crime and put her gifts to use. It started with her seeing news footage of Superman, the new hero of Metropolis that made her want to don a suit. Then she saw articles in the newspaper of a figure slowing becoming recognised as the Batman in Gotham. Eventually she saw more articles of a green light flying out into space to help the cause up above.

Evangeline wanted to join the fight.

Ever the fashion designer, she designed her own suit, deciding on a mask to conceal her identity, a hood to cover her hair and a skin tight suit of black and white to help her blend into the shadows. She decided on the ballet shoes to finish off the look, helping her stick her landings and keep her gracefulness. Evangeline decided on her name, Candour, keeping with her values of truth and honesty which she hoped to bring to the streets of Detroit.

Being brought up in an upper class family, allowed Evangeline to hold the funds to continually replace her suit each time it was ripped or burnt fighting crime. Her successfulness in the fashion industry allowing her to keep up the façade of just another party girl there for the good times.

She moved out when she first donned the suit, helping her to keep her life as a hero and life as a Bell separate. It allowed her to protect her family as well, she didn't want them to get hurt just because she decided to play hero and she hoped they never would.

She'd been playing her role as Candour for sixteen years when she eventually joined other heroes with the same goals of protecting their cities, finding other people who understood the strains and difficulties the road of being a hero brought.

It would all be wonderful if there wasn't one hero who made her weak at the knees. One hero who could scrutinise and scare her in ways nobody else had been able to. 

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