Chapter 24- Water

Start from the beginning

"You should go swimming more often." Evie told her as they pulled away. She ran a hand through her hair, stepping back, letting Mal do the same she had just done.

Although Mal bit down on Brooke's lip and pulled at it slightly, making the girl moan.

"Well, if it gets this reaction." Brooke said as she ruffled her hair with the towl. "Then I'll do it daily."

She sat down on the chair on their balcony, and she looked up at her girlfriends, who stood in the very showing bikinis.

It showed everything, well not everything but Brooke had already seen them naked so she didn't need to imagine much.

But she was glad the beach was private.

Because Evie's ass practically hung out, her very thin blue bikini bottoms and Mal's boobs seemed to grow out her bikini top.

They had been here exactly twenty-six hours, and they had already used a few condoms.

One was used in the car when Evie insisted that they tested the protection, so she had rode Brooke in the front seat.

Then there was Mal, who, as soon as they got here, wanted to test out the sofa, so when Evie had finished unpacking her clothes, she had come downstairs to find theirs torn of.

"Please do." Mal muttered as she watched Brooke practically glow in the sun. What kind of god crafted this girl.

Although Adam and Bell both had been very handsome, beautiful, charming, and gorgeous in their youth, it seemed that all their traits had passed down to their daughter. Who shinned on her own but also showed off her inheritance in her looks.

"So, what do you want to do today?" Brooke looked up, questioning the girls.

Evie smiled before grabbing Brooke's phone of the side. She walked over and sat down in between Brooke's legs leaning back.

The younger girl placed a soft kiss on her shoulder before looking at the girl go through her phone. "Cooking?" Brooke pulled a face as the words left her mouth.

Mal coughed, making Brooke look at her. The purple haired girl gave her baby girlfriend a look that said 'be happy' so before Evie could see the confused look on her face, she smiled, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"I can't cook, but we could try." Brooke told her she leaned back in the chair, closing her eyes. "I'm sure Mal could use her magic if all else fails."

There was a sudden silence it seemed as if the waves themselves had stopped moving, knowing something Brooke had missed.

Sbe opened her eyes and looked at the both, seeing them stare at her with an empty look on their faces.

"Too soon?"


Brooke laughed before leaning back, nodding her head as she grinned at the two of them.

Mal came over to sit on Brooke's lap as Evie got up to dip her feet in the pool as she searched up the ingredients that they would need to the deserts they were going to bake.

The purple haired girl leaned back, letting out a sigh as her skin came into contact with Brooke's, the younger girl tracing her fingers down Mal's spine.

"I don't know what it is, Brooke." Mal turned her head around, trying to guess the word Brooke was writing on her back.

Although the brown haired girl grabbed her chin and turned her forward again, ignoring the pout, she wanted nothing more than to kiss away.

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