Wally West also known as Flash

John Stewart also known as Green Lantern

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John Stewart also known as Green Lantern

John Stewart also known as Green Lantern

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Shayera Hol also known as Hawkgirl

Shayera Hol also known as Hawkgirl

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J'onn J'onzz also known as Martian Manhunter

J'onn J'onzz also known as Martian Manhunter

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Also included:

Dick Grayson also known as Robin, Goldie, Nightwing

Jason Todd also known as Robin 2.0, his greatest failure, Red Hood

Timothy Drake also known as Robin 3.0, replacement, Red Robin

Damian Wayne also known as Robin 5.0, the blood son, Demon Spawn

- The butterfly's corner -

Hello my beautiful people,

I know what you lot are gonna say, she's posting yet another story she won't finish or will disappear and post every once in a while. And to that I say... you are one hundred percently correct.

I've been rewatching the Justice League series again and forgot just how great it actually was. I'll be real, I am a true DC fan at heart as in like hardcore, watch all the animated series (aka artistry) and collect the comics. I love Batman and his huge family - for someone who works alone he sure does have A LOT of help.

Anyways, I was watching it and went to try and read a fanfic for the Batman in the show because he is an absolute icon and portrayed so well... except I couldn't find one. Side note: if you guys find one or have any recommendations, help a girl out. Right back to the point: so I decided to do what I always do when I have an idea or can't find what I want... I decided to make it myself.

I will get around to updating my other stories at some point though I do think a couple of them will either just get discontinued or completely rewritten because I can not remember where I was going to go. But yeah for now I am writing this fanfiction and I have another couple of ideas in the works for other DC shows like Young Justice for Dick Grayson and Tim Drake or the animated universe predominantly for Damian Wayne. I have an idea to link the universes together or at least Young Justice to this series.

Anywho, enjoy what will get added until I lose all motivation again.

Cheerio for now,

Cheerio for now,

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