Part 4 of 1

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Adien Pov

I got a call from tay, he told me he asked around a little bit and found out 40 was definitely working for fox. Also fox was the one who sent the hit on kayden. Damn I was kinda of hoping it was some dumb ass nigga who was stupid enough to fuck with us. But nah either way this nigga days is numbered.

I called unc to let em know wassup.

"What up", He answered.

"Wassup, so I found out it is fox who got kayden shot.'

He sighed.

"Damn this nigga gunning for me then. Soon enough he'll find out who you are and try to kill you and the rest of my workers. But clearly he coming for my fam first. Tell everybody to pack up everything and leave. I'ma set up some tickets for you, adien,ajay ,tay and tremaine. When y'all touch down I'll call you to give you further instructions." With that being said he hung up and I did as I was told.

I didn't just wanna up and leave River so I stopped by her house to say goodbye for the time being.

It was about ten a.m in the morning when I got to her house. She probably sleep so I would have to call her to come get the door.

"Hello", A sleepy river answered.

"Hey bae come open ya door".

She didn't say anything I just heard ruffling from her getting out her bead. Shes not really a morning person, I don't blame her though.

She open the door and I came in.

"Hey bae", I said while giving her a tight hug.

"Hey wassup, why you here so early?", She said while walking back up to her bedroom.

"I can't come see you in the morning?", I asked beading around the bush. I actually was kinda nervous to tell her i'm leaving and the fact I don't know how long I'm going to be gone is making it worst.

"I mean it's ok but it's early and I'm sleepy. What you need someone to talk to?", She asked with care in her eyes.

"Nah umm I gotta tell you something actually."

"What is it bae, it's nothing bad is it?"

"That all depends on how you take it I guess".

She looked at me funny.

"Oh my gosh your leaving me for some bitch ain't you. Shit I'd thought we had a couple more months in but it's good, I'l"- I cut her off she started tripping and that's not even whats going on.

"No , no bae I'm not leaving you chill out aight."

"Oh, oh ok don't scare me like that."

"I'm sorry but ugh... I am leaving to go somewhere," I said while rubbing the back of my head and looking down.

"Where you going?"

Damn I forgot that unc ain't even tell me where I was going.

"Yeah about that I don't know."

"How don't you know?"

"You know kayden got shot right so his unc sending me and the rest of the crew somewhere were we won't be touched i'm guessing."

"Ok so you just going to go somewhere and not even know where your going. That dumb," She said catching an attitude.

"Well I'ma know bout time I get to the airport."

She sighed.

"How long are you going to be gone?"

I put my head knowing I didn't have the answer to her question.

"I don't know a week maybe more, I'm not sure."

She threw her hands and slap back down on her knees.

"Well what the fuck adien. How you going somewhere don't know where you going and then you don't know when your going to be back. Why can't you just stay here?"

"Cause I can't yo," I said catching an attitude. I wasn't mad at her I was mad at myself for not knowing the answers to her questions.

"Whatever yo how you just gone leave me? What the fuck am I'm suppose to do?"

"You'll be straight", I ain't mean for it to come out that way but it's the thug in me.

She rolled her eyes and turns away from me. From past arguments which we didn't have much because we really vibe but when did have them this action of hers always indicated she was about to cry, which I hate seeing her doing especially when I'm the reason for it.

"C'mere girl", I said while pulling her closer to me.

"I ain't mean to say that it just it stressful on me too. Not knowing when I'm going to see you again or if i'm going to see you again it's putting me in a bad head space. I just wanted to let know so you won't think I went a wall on you. Now I need you to be strong for while i'm gone. You here me?"

She didn't bugged.

"River, I said lifting her chin up. Did you hear me?'

She nodded her head yes.

"Good I gotta go in like twenty minutes so I'll spend the rest of that time with you".

Truth is I had to leave like ten minutes ago but I had to make sure me and her was straight before I leave.

"Okay," She pouted.

"You have to promise me you'll face time me everyday", she said.

"I can promise you I will face time you every chance I get, deal?"

She pouted at first and then sigh.

"Ok deal".

For the rest of the twenty minute we just sat there cuddled up in her bed talking and shit.

Before I had to go I gave her a long kiss and a goodbye hug.

"I'll miss you a lot", river said.

"I'll miss you more", I said giving her a peck.

I was leaving out here door before she called me back.

"Yeah ", I said jogging back up to her door step.

"I need you to promise one thing."

"What is it bae?"

"Pleas come back to me", she said as her voice cracked up.

I looked her into her now watering hazel eyes.

"I promise". She grabbed me faced and we shared one last passionate kiss. I swear she be making me sound like a little bitch but that's ok cause only she can do that. After that I headed to the airport and headed on my flight that was to Columbia.

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