"Here and there. Some are still alive. I'm not a pig!" He smiled.

Creed heard it. There was another one behind him. He turned and punched the new one. He was strong but Creed had age on this young one. He tackled him over a ledge and killed him as they tumbled off a cliff. Creed tore out his heart. It worked on Megan. He spat and jumped back to the top. It was a good hundred foot drop. Creed cleared it with room to spare. His men were shocked but they were still together.

Creed had blood on him. "Got any more?" Creed was a pissed vampire now. He was very territorial and didn't realize it. This was his area. "Just you and me." He growled.

The other vampire actually flinched. "I didn't know that there was another vampire in the area. I thought it was secluded and waiting to be claimed!" He didn't want to fight with this vampire.

Creed growled loud. "You were wrong and you killed my people. You fucked up. What's your name?"

"Dan Honeycutt. I was turned about six months ago and came here. I figured it was safe here."

"It's not. I'm not happy with what you're doing. If you want to stay, stop killing people." Creed thought about letting him live.

"And what, starve?" Dan wasn't listening.

"Animals. Just the wild animals. There are more than enough out here." Creed was handing him one chance.

"Yuck! Never. That would be like switching from caviar to peanut butter and jelly! How about I kill you and take over and do as I please?" Dan smiled a creepy vampire smile.

Creed smiled his own creepy vampire smile. "Sure or I could just give up and we can drink them all, maybe we can team up. Which one looks good to you?" He turned to his people and winked. They were ready with crosses. Creed hoped they knew he would never turn on them.

Dan hopped down and walked around the group of humans. His opinion of humans was low and that was what Creed was counting on. Dan licked his lips. He walked through the middle and Creed smiled. Everyone pulled out crosses and held them on him. Dan fell and screamed in burning pain.

Creed jumped on Dan and touched a couple of crosses. He yelled in pain but punched through Dan's chest and tore out his heart. Dan was dead. Creed growled and dropped the heart. He felt like a wild animal at the moment. He took a breath to gain more control, he didn't want to hurt anyone.

Creed stood up and jumped away from the crosses. He healed and waited to calm down. He took a deep breath. He inhaled and smelled more people. He heard them breathing. "Someone is alive! In the cave, I'm first." He didn't wait. The others followed with flashlights. They were still trying to process what just happened with Dan.

It was after midnight by now. He walked in and there were some people that were dead. The smell of blood was overwhelming. Creed took a breath. "Keep those crosses out, just in case. There's a lot of blood!" He didn't want to turn on them.

"There are people back here. Hello?" Creed listened. He heard someone asking for help. The cave opened to a large room. He gasped. There were twenty more people. They were alive but hungry. Humans. Dan had been holding them for food. What a dick. "Is everyone okay?" Creed stood up.

They all nodded. Shocked. "It's okay. We're here to help." He paused. There was a vampire here. "Which one of you is trying to fool me!" Creed growled a very low growl. "This is my place and my people. Speak now."

"It's me." A woman stood up. "I think he turned me." She was in tears and shaking.

"No! It's a trap. She's a vampire. She started..." The woman hit the human tattle tale and knocked him down.

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