One Visitor

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It was close to Halloween. Kids were dumb during this time and Creed was expecting a lot of pranks.

He heard some kid daring another to open the door. He was going to stop them but wanted to see how far they would go. He saw the doorknob turn and the door open.

A little brown haired girl about six was shaking in the doorway and a boy about nine was behind her, mocking her, calling her chicken. Creed knew the nine-year-old was more scared than the six-year-old. She walked in and the boy closed the door behind her and laughed.

Creed walked around the corner and put his finger to his mouth. "Shhh."

The little girl nodded but she was shaking. "I won't hurt you. I'm Creed." He whispered and smiled.

"Lois." She was a little less scared and smiled a little.

"Want to scare...what's his name?" Creed smiled and pointed at the front door.

"I do! That's Tyler, my cousin." Lois smiled bigger.

Creed tiptoed to the front door. He flung it open. "Go home!" He yelled. He chuckled as Tyler left screaming. Lois was behind Creed, laughing. Creed smiled. "That was fun." He watched the little girl laugh.

Lois looked around. "I love your house! You live here?"

"I do, with my brother. He's a teacher." He liked this little girl. "Are you okay?"

She smiled and nodded. She looked at the entryway. "This is pretty. I always thought there would be spider webs and ghosts in here!"

"There were a lot of spider webs when we first got here but I haven't seen a ghost and I have to tell you, I was disappointed!" Creed had no idea why he was talking to this little girl.

Lois laughed and agreed. "I was hoping for ghosts too!"

Creed looked out the window. "Do you know how to get home?" He watched Tyler run down the lane.

Lois shrugged. "I think so but I always follow Tyler." He was long gone.

"Okay. Well, I can't just let you walk around by yourself. Let's see if we can get you to your parents." Creed sighed.

"Uh, just my dad. He works at the car shop. Duncan's." Lois smiled like she achieved something.

"Right. How about a cookie for the road?" Creed smiled.

Lois nodded. "I would love a cookie!" She wasn't as scared as she was when she first walked in. Her dad would be furious that she did this and then took a cookie from a stranger.

Creed walked to the kitchen and grabbed two of his homemade chocolate chip cookies and walked back to her. He handed them to her. "Come on, Sweetheart." He took her hand and walked with her down the lane. "You guys walked all the way here to commit a felony?"

Lois laughed. "No! I was following Tyler and he said I was annoying so he was trying to punish me."

"Bastard!" Creed looked at the six-year-old. "Sorry."

"It's okay. One time, my dad smashed his foot and said worse things. He had to go to the hospital. He broke his foot. I didn't laugh though because I was scared." Lois looked worried. "He will be mad that I walked to your house. I'm not allowed that far out of town."

"Don't worry. I will talk to him for you. Okay?" Creed could handle one man.

"Don't understrimate my dad," Lois said. She sounded so serious.

Creed smiled at this kid. She was so cute. "Underestimate?"

"Yes. He is tricky." Lois' eyes got big. She finished the second cookie.

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