"My parents ditched me when they found out I was keeping Lois. I couldn't do anything else. They come from high society and they kept their scandals secret. Mine was out in the open. I was bi with a child. Out and proud and that was too much for them. I don't need another pretender." Haven inhaled.

"Okay." Creed took a breath. "What a dick!"

Haven laughed. "I know!" He ate in silence.

"I have secrets but I would never pretend with feelings and never toy with your emotions. Never. I like you, Haven, and I shouldn't."

"Killian told me it was time to move on but I have things...my past left scars. Very visible. Who I was, was killed. The soccer playing whore that I was is dead. I'm this now." Creed took a breath.

Haven looked at him and sipped his wine. "And what is this? You. What are you now since you're not a soccer playing whore?"

Creed laughed. He rubbed his eyes. "I am a monster but I would never hurt you. Never. I just don't want to lie to you. I don't want to hide things from you but I'm not ready. I'm afraid that I would lose you and..." He stopped. "As a friend."

Haven nodded and looked at his plate. "I like you, Creed."

Creed groaned. "I know. I like you too. I shouldn't. I'm sorry you met me. I really can't date but I love to talk to you and that isn't some line. It's not! Lois is great and if I was normal, I would love to be with you and part of your family...but ...I am fucked!" He took a breath.

"Hey!" Haven stared. This guy was a mess. "Maybe if you just tell me and we can deal with it, then maybe you can move on!"

Creed shook his head. "Sorry. When I'm ready, I will. I promise but I don't want to lie to you, Haven. I will try."

Haven smiled. "Okay. I won't ask and we can just eat dinner together and I promise to ignore anything that seems weird."

"Like taking hot pans from the oven with no oven mitts?" Creed smiled.

Haven laughed. "Yes! Like that. We can take our time. I'm good with that, I have Lois to think about anyway. It's tough to date and be a single dad."

"It has to be. Life is tough anyway, I couldn't imagine adding a person to be in charge of. Although, I have Killian!" Creed teased. Haven nodded. He finished his plate as they sat in silence for a while.

"Creed. This was really nice. You really cooked this?" Haven had to ask.

"I did. I will always try to be honest with you. As honest as I can. Okay?" Creed watched Haven nod. "I love to cook. Killian is very spoiled. I have dinner on the table when he gets home every night and then we grade papers. That is my life."

"Do you eat with him?" Haven watched him.

"No." Creed took a breath. He couldn't tell Haven but he couldn't lie. "I am on a very strict diet, Haven. I eat alone." No one wanted to see a vampire hunt.

"So, can I ask how your parents died?" Haven was worried that this was too far.

Creed took a breath. He looked at this man's brown eyes. He was going to try for him. "Well, it's...the story is not good and it was my fault."

"Was it a drunk driving accident?" Haven was guessing. He had some theories.

Creed laughed. "Sorry. No. I wish. No." He took a breath. "I invited the wrong girl into my house just for sex. One night of lousy sex. It was a mistake that I can never take back. She slaughtered my parents." He wiped a tear.

Haven stared at Creed. "What?"

Creed nodded and looked Haven in the eye. "She was going to kill Killian but I stopped her."

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