Chapter 88: Friendly Outing

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With Zulo and Zala pulling the carriage, it didn't take long until we arrived at the entrance of the Eve residency, and with me being the prince, we were let right into the estate without any hindrance, and after advancing down the long paved road, we eventually arrived before the Eve manor.

Looking out the window, I saw many people walking around, most being servants or guards and the rest being related to the Eve family, though when they saw my carriage, they all stopped in place and looked toward me. I ignored them and eyed the small group of servants that were being led by what seemed to be the head servant toward the carriage before they kneeled before me in unison.

"Prince Elif, how may my presence be of use?" Asked the servant kneeling in the front.

'Not even personally welcoming me; instead, he sent some servant to do it in his stead. Oh well, not like I'm that bothered by it; I'd prefer not to interact with him anyways, besides I'm only here for Sarah.' Thought Elif, feeling slightly displeased at the disregard Nordan Eve showed him, though someone else took the disregard much more seriously.

"Where is Nordan, and why is he not personally welcoming Prince Elif's arrival!?" Asked Illumia severely as she pressured the servant, causing him to tremble in fear.

"T-The M-Master is c-currently dealing with i-important matters, and he had ordered me to w-welcome P-Prince Elif in his stead." Answered the servant carefully while full of fear, though unfortunately for him, those words sparked anger from Illumia.

"So he thinks he can brush aside, his Highness, just because he has some important matters? It seems I'll need to help Nordan deal with such important business." Said Illumia angrily as she stood up and prepared to leave the carriage while Maxim was about follow right after her.

"Sit down, Illumia and Maxim; there is no need to go to such extreme means; I didn't even want to interact with Nordan anyways." Said Elif, looking at both Illumia and Maxim while Elaine was slightly confused why Illumia was so angry.

"Listen, just sit down; I wish to spend today with Sarah and Elaine in enjoyment, not worrying about Nordan and his annoying act. Ahh, speaking of Sarah, here she is." Ordered Elif when he saw that Illumia just stood there and looked at him before looking back out the window when he sensed Sarah approaching.

"Your Highness, is it really you!?" Asked Sarah with bubbling excitement, having just arrived before the carriage.

"Well, who else would it be?" Answered Elif rhetorically as he opened the carriage door and leaned his smirking face into view.

"Ahh, it is you! It's great to see you again!" Exclaimed Sarah as she jumped into the carriage and hugged Elif's face into her small breasts, causing everyone watching outside to show shocked expressions. At the same time, a certain princess was slightly annoyed.

"Alright, I think you've hugged me long enough, Sarah, any longer, and the people spectating will think we have some type of secret relationship." Said Elif as he separated himself from Sarah, causing her face to glow bright red after she had processed his words; a certain princess now felt even more irritated than before.

"Ahh, I apologize; I didn't mean it like that; I was just excited to see you after almost six months, your highness." Said Sarah as she sat down between Illumia and Maxim while feeling embarrassed.

"It's fine, just next time you wish to hug me like that, try to be mindful of the setting; anyways, the reason we came here was that Elaine and I were going to the Elven Cuisine Pagoda, and we figured it would be more enjoyable to have you with us." Said Elif calmly as he sat back down and fixed his messy clothes from Sarah's hugging.

"Your Highness, I didn't see you there. It's good to see you as well." Said Sarah apologetically, feeling even more embarrassed that she only now noticed Elaine.

"Hmph, Sarah." Said Elaine in a bland tone as she folded her arms and looked away.

While Sarah tried to appease the annoyed Elaine, I looked back out the window in hopes of possibly locating Marley; however, after looking for roughly a minute and still not finding her, I concluded she was most likely absent. So I turned away and ordered the carriage to leave the estate and continue on the original path to the Elven Cuisine Pagoda.

"Now that you've returned, your Highness, where have you been, and what were you doing for the last six months?" Asked Sarah curiously after she finally managed to appease Elaine.

"Elaine hasn't told you yet?" Asked Elif, eyeing Elaine with slight confusion.

"Sarah has previously asked about your whereabouts, but Mother told me not to say anything until you've returned, and now that you have, you can do the honors of informing Sarah."

Nodding at Elaine's reason, I began explaining to Sarah about my experience in the spirit realm, it took quite some time since Sarah would constantly interrupt me and ask questions, but It wasn't that bad since it helped pass the time; by the time we finished, we had arrived just outside the Elven Cuisine Pagoda.

"We've arrived at the destination, your Highnesses." Announced Mandy just outside the carriage.

With Illumia opening the door, we exited the carriage, and in contrast to the first time I visited this place four years ago, I had Illumia inform the manager of my arrival beforehand, which resulted in a grand welcome for Elaine and I.

A golden carpet laid out on the ground covered in beautiful flowers while servants wearing elegant clothes stood at the edge of the carpet as they bowed before Elaine and I.

'Are they going to stay in this position until I finish dining, or is this service only for entering and exiting?' Thought Elif curiously as he walked down the golden carpet towards the Pagoda with Elaine and Sarah beside him.


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