☆Horse- BlitzFizz

Start from the beginning

He happily hugged her back. "Good to see you too, Bela. And by the way, the o is silent now."

She pulled out of the hug and put her hands on her hips. "I figured you would change your name at some point, y'know, with what your daddy did an' all. But enough of that, Fizzarolli here tells me that you're still into horses."

Blitzø chuckled and smiled, "yes ma'am."

"Still got manners for me I see, c'mon in."

"Of course we do. You practically raised us and raised us on the importance of manners for people who deserve it," Fizz said as she led them to the back where the horses were kept. 

"Damn right I did. Now be a good boy and give your boyfriend the first part of his surprise here. I'll be inside when you're done," Bela said, opening the back door for the boys before shutting the screen door behind them. "You be good to them horses now." Both boys chuckled.

"Yes ma'am."

Fizz watched as Blitzø ran for the fence, leaping over it and making his way over to one horse in particular. She was a black skeleton horse with purple fire. She was Bela's pride and joy, and she quickly became Blitzø's favorite whenever they visited. He was so disappointed when he couldn't bring her home, but Bela promised him that she would always be here whenever he came back.

She was old now, too old to ride like he did as a child, but she was still here, nonetheless. 

He reached his hand out and allowed her to sniff it, waiting for a sign before gently petting her. 

"Hey, Lavender, long time no see." She made the typically happy horse noise and placed her forehead against his. "I missed you too, Lav."

Fizz watched from the other side of the fence with a smile on his face as Blitzø walked around the yard with Lavender, just talking the day away. This is exactly what he had hoped for.

Bela came out eventually, happy to see Blitzø just talking to Lavender as he fed her a carrot and some other treats. 

Fizz looked over at her. "You think he's gonna like the rest of his surprise?" 

"Of course he will. This'll be a dream come true for him, and it's all thanks to you."

"It's more thanks to you. Y'know, for letting me do this for him. It means a lot. Oh, and thanks for keeping your old ass alive long enough for me to do this."

Bela chuckled, "watch yourself, boy. Just because I'm old doesn't mean I can't still beat your scrawny ass."

Fizz laughed, "I know."

"Better call Blitzø in before lunch gets cold. Besides, the cake is almost done too."

"Yes ma'am." Bela walked away and Fizz turned back to Blitzø. "Babe! C'mere! Lunch is ready!"


"So, did you have fun out there? Lavender sure did miss you," Bela said before taking another bite of the meatloaf she made.

Blitzø nodded, "yeah. Thanks, old lady. And thanks, Fizz. This was a nice surprise."

"Don't worry, it's not over yet," Fizz said as he cleaned up the plates when everyone finished eating. 

Blitzø looked at him, confused. "What are you talking about?" 

Bela chuckled, "just wait until after cake. I know Fizz is aching to show you anyway."

"Fine, but don't you dare sing me that damn song."


"Alright, keep your eyes closed," Fizz said as him and Bela guided Blitzø outside and to the stable. From there, they led him to where Lavender was kept as well as the second to last part of his surprise. "Okay, open on three. One...two...three!"

Blitzø opened his eyes, which lit up with joy. A tiny gray foal with magenta fire sticking close to Lavender. 

"She didn't-" Blitzø started, only to be cut off by Bela.

"About seven months ago. Lavender here got really friendly with Jackdaw about a year after you left." 

Jackdaw was Fizzarolli's favorite horse, a lighter gray horse with red fire. He usually kept to himself when he was younger, but he really had a personality shift after Fizz left. 

Blitzø bent a little over the gate and reached his hand out, watching as the little foal walked over and sniffed his hand before allowing him to pet her. 

"She's beautiful."

"She's yours," Fizz said.

Blitzø did a double take and looked back at the two imps. "You're fucking with me..."

"Not at all. Fizz called about a month ago asking about the horses, and we agreed that this little one would be yours. No charge at all, just a present from me," Bela said. Blitzø immediately ran over and hugged them both tightly, tears slightly pouring from his eyes.

"Thank you!"

Fizz hugged back, "happy birthday, baby."

Though Blitzø quickly let go. "Wait, I don't have anywhere to put her. The city isn't exactly a great place for a horse."

Fizz smiled, "we took care of that, too. I may have bought us a small place a little way from the city and a small drive from here. Bela and I spent a little time setting things up and it's all ready to move in and take the little one with us once Bela says she's ready to go. All that's left to do is talk to Loona and pack up."

Blitzø wiped the tears from his cheeks, "you really are the best."

"I know," Fizz said, kissing Blitzø  quickly before the other turned his attention back onto the horse. "Y'know, you still gotta give her a name." 

Blitzø chuckled, "I wonder if you'll remember this one. Biscuit Queen." 

Fizz laughed, "I had a feeling you would do that." He watched as Blitzø pet the horse, his horse. He was happy that this turned out to be one of the best days of Blitzø's life. Things would definitely turn up for him now. 

Happy birthday, Blitzø.

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