☆Couple Time- Fizzmodeus

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Plot: After a long day of work, Fizz and Ozzie decide to chat and have some one on one couple time

Requested By: Eggsaregudz67


Asmodeus chuckles a bit when he hears his lover spew yet another insult at some petty, lovestruck demon. He always finds that participating in activities such as insulting other couples makes him have more confidence in his own relationship. Yet it also made him think of something else, too. Have him and Fizzarolli ever had proper time together outside of work? Sure, they'll have diner together, go to bed together, as well as their occasional *ehem* private time, but have they ever just stayed at home to enjoy each other's company?

Fizzarolli notices his lover zoning out slightly, so he jumps onto his back and wraps his arms around his neck to snap him back to reality.

"Break time, babe~" Fizz whispers to Asmodeus, letting him know that they had a little bit of time to spend together backstage before they had to entertain their guests once more. The taller male nods and they make their way backstage.

Asmodeus takes a seat in one of his chairs, allowing Fizzarolli to have a seat in his lap like normal.

"Fizz?" Asmodeus starts, gaining the smaller males attention.

"Hmm? What's up, Ozzie?"

Asmodeus thinks for a second, trying to decide if he truly wants to ask. Perhaps Fizzarolli is fine the way things are, and asking would just cause an unnecessary fight, but still, it troubles Asmodeus.

"Have you ever realized how little one on one time we spend together?" Asmodeus finally asked.

Fizzarolli thinks for a second before looking back up at his lover. "Now that you mention it, we really don't spend that much time together outside of work, do we?"

Asmodeus sighed and leaned back in the chair, pulling Fizzarolli closer to him. "Well, then perhaps we could leave work a little early. Then we can have the rest of the night to ourselves."

Fizzarolli chuckles, "Sure Ozzie, I'd like that." There was silence between them for a moment before Fizzarolli lets out another laugh, "This didn't dawn on you because of the other day, did it?" Asmodeus looked confused, so Fizzarolli decided to clarify. "You know, when we were walking to that party, and we saw Prince Stolas and Blitz on their date?"

"Oh, you mean when you decided to annoy Blitzø, so they had to leave?"

"Yeah! That one!"

Asmodeus chuckled, "I guess it did, because it made me realize that I've never taken you on a proper date."

"Well, maybe instead of that party next week, we can go on a date then."

Asmodeus smiled and kissed his lover, "You always do have the best ideas."

Though the moment between them was shortly ruined by one of the workers letting them know that they were on again in five, causing the two of them to get out of their comfy position and back to work.


Asmodeus smiled when he saw his lover walk out in the new pajamas he bought him, seeing how much he enjoyed his gifts made him happier than ever.

Fizzarolli jumped into Asmodeus' arms and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, "so what's on the agenda tonight, Ozzie?"

"I was thinking dinner and a movie, does that sound good, Fizz?"

The smaller male nodded and allowed Asmodeus to carry him to the living room of their home, gently placing him on the couch before walking away to get their dinner from the kitchen.

Fizzarolli grabbed the remote and scrolled through the various movies they had until he finally settled on some cheesy romance movie that Asmodeus loves. Despite what other demons might think, Asmodeus was a big softy when it was just the two of them together, and romance movies was just something that Asmodeus used to show off his softer side. Fizzarolli himself wasn't a huge fan of those types of movies, but seeing Asmodeus happy was just something that he couldn't ruin.

"Good choice, babe. Shall I get the fluffy blanket from the bedroom?" Asmodeus asked, setting the tray on the coffee table that was in front of the couch and made his way to the bedroom to grab the blanket.

He returned shortly after and sat down, gently pulling Fizzarolli close to him and draped the blanket over their legs and part of their torsos. Fizzarolli smiled and sighed with contentment as he lied his head against Asmodeus, pressing play on the movie and taking the food and drink that Asmodeus handed him.

He felt calm, content. It was a nice feeling, just being together like this with Asmodeus. He didn't realize how hard the two of them have been working, and they both were long overdue for a break. Besides, if someone like Blitz could do stuff like this almost daily with Stolas, surely Fizzarolli could too.

As the movie progressed and dinner was eaten, Fizzarolli felt Asmodeus wrap an arm around him and kiss the top of his head.

"Thank you for doing this with me, Fizz, this is nice," Asmodeus said sweetly, kissing him once more.

Fizzarolli smiled and snuggled in closer into the warm embrace of his lover, "anytime, Ozzie."

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