☆Me and You- Stolitz

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Plot: Blitz­­­ø and Stolas are in a secret relationship, but when Stolas is about to get married to Stella, Blitzø needs some reassurance that she won't change anything between them

Extra info: Stolas is 19 and Blitzø is 18


The wind rushed past the owl as he cracked open one of his new books he got from his boyfriend on his birthday a few weeks prior. Due to all the recent...events, he hasn't been able to read the book.

Though Stolas knew he wasn't going to get very far, as his beloved imp would be arriving soon. As much as he would like to say it was only to spend some time with his boyfriend, it unfortunately wasn't.

Blitzø knew that Stolas and Stella were to be wed, but the wedding day was coming by sooner than expected, and the imp wasn't mentally prepared for it. He was already having a tough time coping with the engagement. Though Stolas couldn't hide the unexpected wedding date from Blitzø any longer.

Stolas looked up from the pages of his book when he heard a branch creak from above his head, smiling when he saw Blitzø hanging from the tree branch by his tail.

"Sneaking up on me again, Blitzy? How cruel," Stolas joked, closing the book and putting it to the side.

"I couldn't help myself, besides, you're fun to scare," Blitzø replied, allowing Stolas to kiss his lips when the owl stood up. Blitzø came down from the branch, landing on his feet. "So, what was this important thing you wanted to talk to me about? Need me to kill someone?"

Stolas sighed, "unfortunately no, I...there's no easy way for me to say this.."

"Hold on a second, you're not breaking up with me, are you?"

"Heavens no! But...my father is pushing mine and Stella's wedding date to a week from now."

This threw Blitzø off guard, he knew that Stolas had no way around this, but the two of them still had hopes that Stolas would have time to maybe figure something out for the two of them. And now, their time has run out.

"W-what? S-so you're really gonna leave? God damnit, she really is gonna take you away from me..."


"No Stolas! For all I know you're just going to love her more than me! You'll leave me all alone..." A tear trickled down Blitzø's cheek as he crossed his arms and turned away from Stolas.

Stolas sighed and stepped towards the smaller male, kneeling down and placing a hand on his shoulder. "Blitzy, listen to me. There is nothing in all of hell that will make me stop loving you. Stella is a nightmare, and the only reason we are to be wed is to bring an heir to the Goetia throne. And despite all of that, I would give anything to put you next to me instead of her."

"Then why don't you? Soon you'll be on the throne, and you can do whatever you want. Even though I'm just an imp, I'm your lover and that should mean something!"

Stolas sighed, wiping a tear from Blitzø's eye, "I wish it was that simple, Blitzy."

Blitzø walked over to Stolas, wrapping his arms around the taller male's neck and crying softly into his shoulder. Stolas stood up, holding his lover like a child before walking over to the tree and sitting down, his back against the trunk with Blitzø in his lap.

"You'll still be with me, right? You won't leave me?" Blitzø asked with his head buried in the crook of Stolas' neck, a sense of hopelessness in his tone which broke Stolas' heart.

Stolas hugged Blitzø tightly, "Of course not, I'll love you forever Blitzø, and I promise you that Stella won't change that."

The two of them stayed like that for a while, hugging each other with the occasional kiss on the forehead from Stolas. It seemed like the whole world stopped, that it was just two of them in all of hell and nobody else.

They stayed, talking and loving each other until it was getting late, and it was then time for Stolas to go home.

"Blitzy, I need to go. But I promise you I will do whatever I can to get you into that castle with me, it will be our home one day, I promise."

"I'm holding you to that."

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