☆Panic Attack- M&M

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A/N: This is the end of the Panic Attack trilogy! I hope you enjoyed, and I will be getting back to working on requests asap

Plot: Moxxie has a bad panic attack and Millie helps him through it

⚠️TW: Mentions of past abuse, panic attacks⚠️


Millie's eyes slowly cracked open when she felt her husband tossing and turning on the other side of the bed. She sits up and rubs the tired from her eyes. When she looked over, she knew instantly that it was yet another nightmare. Moxxie had been having a lot of those since seeing his father again, and he refused to talk about it. That didn't bother her in the slightest. It was his personal life and not hers. She was confident he would talk to her about it eventually.

She moved close to him and shook his shoulder. She had to wake him up soon before things got too bad. Though this was obviously a bad one, because very quickly after she shook him a little, he bolted awake. He was gasping for air and tears poured from his eyes. 

"Mox, honey, it's okay. Is it alright if I touch you?" She asked, wanting to make sure that her hugging him wouldn't make anything worse. However, even her just slightly moving to touch his arm made things so much worse.

He flinched, rushing off of the bed and into the corner of the room. He curled himself up as much as he could and put his arms up in defense. 

"I'm sorry, please don't hit me!" Moxxie pleaded.

Millie was confused. Why would Moxxie think she was going to hit him? Questions for later, she needed to get him calm first. 

She didn't move from her spot on the bed, so as not to startle the man further. 

"Hey, hey, Mox, I'm not gonna hit you, I promise," she said, managing to keep her voice low and calm. It was as if he couldn't hear her, like he was in a completely different world all together. 

To be completely honest, he was, mentally at least. In his mind, he wasn't at his own home with Millie, he was at his childhood home with his father. What did I do this time? Why did Dad hit me? He was scared, no, terrified. What would happen to him now? 

He gasped and clutched his chest. He couldn't breathe, which just sent him spiraling down into more panic. 

Millie felt helpless, she didn't know what to do. C'mon, Millie, he's your husband for fucks sake! You can figure this out. With slow and calculated movements, she made her way closer to him. She was determined to figure this out.

After a little while of attempting to push himself further into the corner, something changed for Moxxie. Instead of Crimson's harsh voice, he began to hear a soft, sweet one. A soothing voice that he was all too familiar with, Millie. Still, even though he was slowly coming back to reality and out of his mental torture, his body was still in fight or flight mode. 

Millie sighed with relief when she saw the focus come back into Moxxie's eyes, she could finally help him.

"Hey, hun, can you hear me now?" He nodded. "Good. Is it alright if I touch you?" She wanted to be careful and make sure that she didn't send him spiraling into that again. Thankfully, he nodded. Millie slowly and carefully moved closer to him, gently grabbing his hands and holding them tightly. "We're gonna play a little game, 'kay? I know this may seem silly but play along for a minute. What are five things you can see?" She asked, while moving up a little to turn on a light.

In a shaky voice, Moxxie began to list things off. The crack in the wall, the blanket, the red light beaming through the window, the bedroom door, and his Michael Crawford poster that Millie got him one year. 

Millie chuckled, "those are good ones, hun. Okay, now four things you can feel."

She rubbed the back of his hands with her thumbs as he spoke between his uneven breaths. Her soft hands, his cozy pajamas, the cold floor, and the hard wall.

"Now three things you can hear." 

His voice gradually became less shaky. The hustle and bustle of the demons outside, her sweet voice, and his own panicked breaths. 

"You're doing good, Mox. Two things you can smell."

She felt the tension in his muscles release. A mixed scent of lingering blood from work today and Millie's shampoo.

"And one thing you can taste."

He took one final deep breath before speaking again. Salty tears.

Millie smiled and pulled him into a hug. "Good job, Mox." He held onto her tightly and she stroked his hair. He let out a quiet sob and she kissed the top of his head. "It's okay, sweetie; nobody's gonna hurt you." She slowly picked him up and moved them both back onto the bed. She rested her back against the headboard and held Moxxie on her lap. 

She would stay like that for the rest of the night if she had to, just rubbing Moxxie's back until he felt ready to either talk or go back to sleep. Thankfully, however, Moxxie calmed down after a little while and was reduced to small sniffles. 

They were both quiet for a while until Moxxie finally spoke. 

"I'm sorry," he said, rubbing the leftover tears from his eyes. 

"You have nothing to be sorry for, Mox. It wasn't your fault. Do you want to talk about it?" He thought about it before shaking his head. She kissed his cheek. "That's okay, talk to me when you're ready. In the meantime, do you want to go back to bed?" He shook his head again.

"Can we watch a movie or something, please?"

Millie smiled, "of course, baby." 

And that's what they did. A movie marathon planned until the morning, though Moxxie fell asleep rather quickly halfway through the first one. Millie never let him go.

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