☆Caught- Seviathan x Baxter

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Plot: Charlie finds out that Seviathan and Baxter are dating

Extra Info: Baxter has his own lab in the basement of the hotel

Requested By: spiderlilly19


Charlie has picked up on Baxter's odd behavior. It's almost as if his personality shifted slightly. When looked at from afar, he seemed happier overall, which pleased Charlie a great deal. Yet when anyone was around him or talked to him, he was a lot more fidgety than usual. He was hiding something; he has been hiding something for a while now, and Charlie was determined to find out what it was.

She kept a close eye on Baxter since then, making sure that whatever he was hiding wasn't harming him or others. She ruled it out as being anything bad considering that he seemed happy when he thought no one else was around. This was an interesting mystery for her to solve. 

A few weeks went by, and Charlie was gradually losing motivation to keep up her search, after all, she had a hotel to run. Maybe whatever she was looking for would make itself known on its own. 

Now here she was, in the front lobby staying up later than usual to finish up some last-minute work while also waiting for Vaggie to get back from her little trip of picking up Angel from Cherri's house. He was way too drunk to come back on his own, and Cherri was way too drunk to bring him back herself.

Things were quiet for a while, considering that everyone else in the hotel was asleep, which was slowly lulling Charlie to sleep as well. Though she was quickly startled awake by a creaking floorboard from down the hall. 

She slowly stood from her chair and walked over to the beginning of the hall and peering out into the darkness, the only source of light being from the moon that shined through the window. The window that was now open. 

Charlie walked all the way down the hall, staring at the open window with a confused expression. The only time any of these windows got opened was when Angel was sneaking back into the hotel after staying out too late to avoid getting into trouble. He didn't know Charlie knew, and she wasn't particularly mad at him for it as long as he at least came back or told her that he was staying out for the night. But Angel wasn't here, he was with Vaggie. So, who opened this one?

It was then that she recalled the creaking floorboards. There were only two places on the first floor where the floorboards creaked, and that was across from Husker's room and in front of the basement door leading to Baxter's lab. Nobody stayed in the room across from Husker's, but there was no harm in at least checking.

Yet, it was as she thought, nobody was there, which left only one other option: Baxter's lab.

She didn't really like bothering Baxter, especially at night. He was very anti-social and didn't like other people in his lab, but this was a very odd situation and she felt obligated to figure out what was going on so late at night. 

She was careful to not step on the squeaky floorboard in front of the door before gently opening it and walking quietly down the stairs. 

About halfway down is when she heard voices. She recognized one to be Baxter, and he sounded happy and like he was genuinely enjoying the company of whomever was with him. The other voice sounded very familiar, yet she couldn't quite place it.

She walked a little further down, just enough to where she could get a good look. She had to stop herself from gasping. Baxter was talking to Seviathan! She hadn't seen Seviathan in a while, so to see him again was odd, let alone seeing him with Baxter. 

Instead of walking out and confronting the two as to why exactly Seviathan was there so late at night, she watched for a little longer to see if their actions would explain any questions she may have had.

"I told you to be careful about that floorboard, you stepped on it last time too. I'm surprised Alastor didn't wake up and kick your ass," Baxter said and he continued to work on a project.

"It's fine, he's probably just a heavy sleeper, same as everyone else in this hotel," Seviathan responded, gazing at the tools Baxter was messing with. "Why are you always working? You need some sleep every now and then, Bax."

Bax? What's with the nickname? Seviathan never calls anyone nicknames, Charlie thought.

"Yeah yeah, you remind me every time. It's not my fault you choose to visit me when I'm working," Baxter said, not paying attention entirely.

"I have several reasons for visiting so late. I can't exactly come by during the day because of Charlie. Even if I could, there would be several questions as to why I'm visiting you of all people. And you're always working, I just want to spend time with you and see you when I can." Seviathan did some kind of gesture with his hand towards Baxter when he looked away from his work, and Baxter nodded. Charlie watched as Seviathan slowly wrapped his arms around Baxter and stood behind him, leaning his head on top of Baxter's. "I just miss you, Bax."

Baxter sighed and moved away from his work, turning around. He hesitated for a second as if contemplating what he should do before wrapping his own arms around Seviathan.

"I'm sorry, Sev. I guess I... I don't know why I do this," Baxter said, "I guess I just need something to do at all times."

Seviathan smiled and gently kissed the top of Baxter's head, "I know, but we can find you something else to do when I come around. I can get you something to fidget with while we go out or watch a movie. How does that sound?"

Baxter chuckles and nods, "yeah, I'd like that." This was followed by a small yawn.

Seviathan chuckles, "I told you you needed sleep. Let's get you to bed. Want me to stay with you again?" Baxter nodded and they shared a small, quick kiss before separating. 

Charlie smiled and carefully made her way back up the stairs. Maybe it's best I don't confront them about this just yet.

When she shut the basement door behind her, she heard the front doors to the hotel open, followed by Alastor's bedroom door. He greeted Charlie when he noticed her before leading their way to the lobby.

Vaggie sighed in relief when she saw Alastor, quickly handing Angel off to him. Alastor was always the one who dealt with Angel's bullshit on nights like this, mostly because he was, oddly enough, the only one who could keep his composure while Angel drunkenly flirted with him. Though he did have to use a little force to keep Angel's hands off of him. He hated dealing with Angel, but it had to be done.

As Alastor walked off with Angel in his arms, Vaggie looked over and smiled at Charlie. 

"I expected you to be sleeping at the desk. Why were you back near the basement? Did Baxter finally blow something up?" She asked, slightly joking.

Charlie smiled, "No, I'll tell you later. Let's just go to bed, I'm exhausted."

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