☆Panic Attack- Stolitz

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A/N: So, I'm taking a little break from requests to write one of my own ideas. This is going to be a little trilogy, same title, different ships. You guys can still request stuff, I just won't be working on it until after this is done.

Plot: Blitzø has a bad panic attack and Stolas helps him through it

⚠️TW: Depressing thoughts, panic attacks, slight self-harm⚠️


Stolas finally leaves his office after several hours of work. All he wanted right now was to find his boyfriend and smother him with cuddles and attention. Speaking of which, where is Blitzø anyway? 

He wandered the halls, they were quiet. Blitzø wasn't anywhere in sight.

Maybe the bedroom? Stolas thought as he headed in that direction. It wasn't uncommon for Blitzø to take naps while Stolas was working for a long time. It was one of his go-to things when he was bored. 

He slowly opened the door, so as not to startle the imp if he was in there. "Blitzy~ Are you in here?" Stolas asked, though his cheery mood quickly plummeted into worry at the sight before him. Blitzø was in the room, but he wasn't asleep. He was curled up into a ball on the floor, shaking and crying as he scratched at his arms.

It wasn't like this wasn't a normal occurrence. Sure, it wasn't very often that Blitzø would have a panic attack, but every time it seemed like something new had caused it. What was it this time?

Stolas rushed over and crouched down in front on his boyfriend, "Blitzy, can you hear me?"

 It took a moment, but Blitzø eventually balled his hand into a fist and moved it as if knocking on a door. Stolas sighed in relief, that would make things a lot easier. But if he was using signs, then that meant this one was bad. Not bad enough where he couldn't hear him, but bad enough that he couldn't talk. He didn't know the exact reason why Blitzø didn't talk during these moments, but if he had to guess it was because Blitzø felt as though he was being annoying.

"Okay, am I allowed to touch you?" Stolas asked, Blitzø did the hand motion again.

Stolas slowly and gently grabbed Blitzø's hands, carefully pulling them away from his arms to prevent him from harming himself further. Blitzø tried to fight him, desperate to scratch at his arms once more. He wanted to feel something, just to keep himself grounded and not slip further into the prison of his own mind.

"No, Blitzø, I will not have you do this again. Not after the last one," Stolas said. Sternly, not harshly. He wanted to make sure he got his point across.

Without his scratching, Blitzø could feel his grip on reality slipping away from him. He could hear them and the harsh words they spewed. 

Worthless, weak, terrible... just another measly imp who didn't deserve to live. He killed his mom, hurt his best friend, a terrible father, and he even hurt Stolas... his own boyfriend. 

He couldn't take it; he just wanted it to stop. 

Please... just shut up. Be quiet. Stop it. Shut up, shut up, shut up...

He harshly pulled his hands from Stolas' grasp, immediately covering his ears.

"Shut up! Leave me alone!"

Stolas was worried, he just wanted to help, he wanted to make it better, but at times like this it was just a waiting game. He could try to help in any way he seemed fit, but it was all just a guessing game with what would calm him down the quickest.

Stolas slowly grabbed Blitzø's hands again, not pulling them away fully, just enough to where he could possibly hear him.

"Blitzy, listen to me, okay? Listen to my voice, darling." He couldn't tell if Blitzø heard him or not, but he would keep talking anyway. "It's going to be alright; you can get through this. Just try to take some deep breaths for me. I don't want you to pass out, love."

Slowly but surely, it worked. Blitzø heard him. The voices gradually dispersed and the weight on his chest seemed to lift ever so slightly. He could breathe again. 

"That's it, darling, good job." Stolas slowly moved Blitzø's hands away from his head, holding them in his own. He rubbed the back of Blitzø's hands with his thumbs and breathed with him to let him follow his lead.

When Blitzø finally came back to reality, Stolas opened up his arms and watched sadly as Blitzø slowly crawled into his arms. He held him close, not moving from that position until Blitzø was ready. 

He gently rubbed Blitzø's back and kissed his head, rocked him side to side slightly, it always helped to calm him down.

After a few minutes of that, Stolas gently lifted Blitzø off of the floor and brought him over to the bed, deciding to lay them both down since it would be more comfortable for Blitzø. They sat in silence for a little while after until Stolas felt as if Blitzø would be ready to talk about it.

"Would you like to tell me what caused this one?" Stolas asked. Blitzø didn't move of respond for a little bit after, and Stolas was about to ask what happened again until Blitzø began moving his hands. 

He lifted his first two fingers and pressed the first one to his forehead.

Stolas sighed, "It's not stupid, love. If it bothered you this much then it's important to me."

Blitzø pointed to his head, frowning and feeling the tears spring back to life in his eyes.

"Voices again? I'm sorry, Blitzy. I know I can't do much to help, but-" Blitzø cut him off by shaking his head.

He wrapped his arms around Stolas, hugging him tightly. It was a common, silent way of Blitzø expressing his gratitude to Stolas.

Stolas chuckled and hugged him back, "you're welcome, Blitzy. Now, are you ready for your post panic attack time?" Blitzø nodded happily and Stolas quickly scooped him up in his arms. "Alright, let's go get your horse stuffie and get some ice cream. What horror movie will we watch this time?" Blitzø shrugged his shoulders, taking the skeleton horse stuffie from Stolas' hands when he handed it to him. Stolas laughed, "okay, we'll figure it out when we get there."

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