Lagertha using a shield fought many of them, and Ragnar and Bjorn were also fighting and Freya got off her horse and Borg said "Retreat! ". 

His warriors said "Follow Jarl Borg!  Retreat! Go!" and the warriors retreated. 

They cheered. 

In Kattegat 

They were riding in and Rollo said "You fought well today, Bjorn." 

Bjorn said "Thank you, Uncle" and Rollo said "You fought very well too, Freya, you are your mother's daughter." 

Freya said "Thank you, Uncle." 

Bjorn said "Did you speak to her, how did it go" and Freya said "How do you think?". 

As they walked in, the people of Kattegat said "Ragnar! He's home! Ragnar! Ragnar!" and Ragnar said "We are so glad to see you all. We've been to hell and back. Now it's time to celebrate." 

Everyone saw Lagertha and said "Lagertha! She's back! We've missed you! Lagertha! We've missed you so much! How was it?". 


Freya watched as Bjorn gave a sacrifice to the Gods and Henry walked up and said "Hey" and Freya said "Hi, I thought you didn't enjoy watching sacrifices." 

Henry said "It's not" and Freya gave him a look and Henry said "Okay, I thought maybe you wanted to talk." 

Freya said "Bjorn talked to you" and Henry said "No,okay, he did, but I was going to talk to you beforehand, everything okay?". 

Freya said "We won the battle,we drove that treacherous leech out, I'm happy about that, and that I was able to get out some anger during that battle." 

Henry said "About?" and Freya said "She just wants to move over it, like it never happened, like she never left." 

Henry grabbed her hand and Freya looked back. 

The sacrifice ended. 

Freya said "Follow me" and Henry said "What about the celebrations" and Freya said "We'll have our own celebration." 

Henry smiled and they walked out. 

With the Seer 

Ragnar  was where the Seer was and said "I love two women. Both of them have given me children." 

The Seer said "And you suppose you must choose between them?" and Ragnar said "No. I don't want to choose. I would like to have both of them." 

The Seer chuckles and said "I see. You know, of course, the story of the marriage Between Njord and Skadi? Skadi was a giantess. Her father was killed. She strode to Askard to get justice And the gods asked her if she wanted gold For the death of her father. "I'll settle for a husband," she said, "and a bellyful of laughter."" 

Ragnar said "This is going to be a long story." 

The Seer said " If you are hundreds of years old, Then it's a very quick story. The gods conferred and agreed That Skadi could choose a husband from among them, But they made one condition: That she chose him by his feet." 

Ragnar said "His feet?" and the Seer said "Yes. And Skadi lost no time in choosing The most shapely pair of feet, Believing they would naturally belong to Balder, The most handsome of the gods." 

Ragnar said "But they didn't?" and the Seer said " No. They belonged to the God Njord, The lord of seafarers and sea harvests. His skin was old and weathered." 

Ragnar said "What are you talking about? I don't want to make a choice between them, But if I did, Are you saying that I should decide Based on the appearance of their feet?". 

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