Chapter 13 - The Train #2

Start from the beginning

"Prim," Effie starts, coming to stand behind me. I wave her away. I don't need to talk to her. I don't need anyone but him.

She huffs. "Prim, there's nothing that you can do!" Effie grabs my shoulder to get my attention. I frown and wave her away again. "There's nothing any of you can do. Prim, she's already been confirmed."

I turn and gape at Effie. Confirmed? What does that mean?

"What?" I turn to Effie.

"She's already been-"

The train doors open and standing at the doors is Cato. He is flushed red and he's fuming.

He knows.

I am suddenly mute.

Cato stands still, his eyes never leaving mine, and I am like a deer caught in headlights. His eyes shoot silent accusations my way, and I know that he's mad that I didn't tell him earlier.

Shoot. I need to do something to calm him down. What do I do?  I am unnerved.

"Cato, I-"

Cato puts a hand up, effectively silencing me from whatever excuse I was going to make. He shakes his head once and glowers at me. "I'll deal with you later," he says lowly. Oh no. "Where's my daughter?"

My mouth goes dry, and for the first time ever, I am afraid that he's going to leave me. Please don't do this, I need you. I choke on a sob. "Cato, please," I plead with him. He puts his hand back up and shakes his head at me again.

"Where's my daughter?" Cato asks again, taking his first step on the small set of stairs leading into the train doors.

I look down, defeated. I should have told him. He steps up to block me, staring daggers into my eyes. I don't think he's ever been this angry with me before.

"She's in her room," I answer.

Cato tries to step around me, but I step to the side to block him. I need to calm him down before he gets to Willow. There's no way he isn't also fuming at the fact that she volunteered.

"Cato, please, just listen to me for a second, okay?" I plead again.

"Rose, step out of the way," Cato grumbles.

I stand still.

Cato sighs heavily, balling his hands up at his sides. He's glaring at me again. "Move. Or I will move you myself," he says icily.

"Daddy?" I hear Willow say nervously from behind me. My eyes widen and I flip around to find Willow and Jackson standing at the opposite end of this train car. Willow is wide-eyed and just as shocked as I am to see him here.

Cato zeroes in on Willow. His eyes narrow for a split second, and then he grabs me by my upper arm, yanking me in her direction. I shoot a panicked glance at Willow, whose mouth gapes open, before he's gotten her arm, too. Willow resists against his hold, but his grip is strong enough to hold her steady.

"Cato," I plead again. Cato ignores me, continuing to pull us to wherever he is going. He's never been this rough or demanding with either of us before.

"Daddy, please don't be mad," Willow whispers. Cato pulls us into a random room where there are two Peacekeepers standing guard.

He doesn't even look up. "OUT!" Cato shouts at them. The venom laced in his voice makes my heart leap out of my chest. The Peacekeepers scurry out immediately, leaving us to face our doom alone.

Cato glares at me and Willow as the door shuts behind the Peacekeepers. "Sit. Down," he demands, pointing to the couch behind us.

I frown and sit down quickly, willing him to look at me. If appeasing to his demands will make him less upset, I'll do it. Please, please don't hate me.

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