Chapter 13 - The Train #2

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The pounding in my heart won't go away. We are almost back in the Capitol, and there are only a few more hours before the Tributes will be presented to Cato. I have been trying to rationalize everything that has happened today in a way that I can explain it to my husband without him killing someone, but honestly, I don't think there is a way.

I had been sitting with Effie, who, for once, has nothing to say. It's making me uneasy. Usually, she is a professional at filling up the space so much that you can't think of anything but wanting her to shut up, but now... I would give anything to have her distract me from it all.

I'm not sure how long we have been sitting here. Effie escorted the kids to their rooms and then came to sit next to me. She sat down in silence and reached to place her hands over mine.

I am trembling.

I don't know what to do.

I need Cato.

"Primrose," Effie starts. My lips purse together in response. "Prim, please don't worry," she urges, gripping onto my shaking hands. Effie doesn't even sound sure of her own words.

"I just can't believe she did that," I say quietly. "I didn't even know that she could."

Effie ponders the idea. "I have to agree, it seems there should be something in the rules that prevent Capitol children from entering the Games. But then, how were they going to explain away her being reaped in the future?" she asks.

"I think there may have beeen something to do with the agreement Cato made with Snow. Something about us not being born in the Capitol, which makes us ineligible, so she is... I don't know, it was confusing when he told me, and frankly, I was so mad at him when I found out I didn't want to ask any follow-up questions."

Effie tuts and grips my hand tighter. Effie has been a part of our family since I was reaped. Everyone has, so it's no surprise that she is taking this just as hard as I am. I'd thought that maybe she would be a crying mess too, but she made a comment about her makeup, so I stopped listening. I'm sure she will let it all out tonight when she's home alone and the makeup comes off.

I frown, trying to hold everything in, but it doesn't work. I am powerless to the situation, and the only person I want right now is the last person that should know. I burst into tears as the train comes lurching to a stop and Effie wraps her arm around me.

We must have made it back. There is immediate relief with being here. My home is here.

I suddenly feel stupid. How could I have lied to him earlier? I should have just said something when I called him. He could have had a resolution made up by now.

My heart drops to the pits of my stomach. Cato is going to hate me.

I have to find him.

I stand up quickly, reaching to wipe my eyes as Effie stands with me. "What are you doing?" she asks worriedly.

"I need to tell Cato," I respond. "There has to be something I can do." There has to be. Maybe I can talk to Snow? I'm sure he won't be happy that Willow has unknowingly taken fate into her own hands. Maybe I could convince him to put out a statement to get Willow removed from the Reaped pool. If I phrase it in a way that makes it sound like his decision... I don't know.

This is why I need Cato. He would know what to do.

I move to the door, waiting for clearance to open it and find him. I don't think he's gotten word of what happened yet, or I'd think he'd be blowing up our phones by now. If I rush, I could get to him before he gets the names.

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