25 | suspicious activity

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name in the sand / lil skies

need your love, it's my drug
when it rains, grab my hand
it's no rush
good vibes, good times everywhere we go
know that we gon' catch a eye when we walk by, but they know she all mine

🍊 🍊 🍊

| real life | social media |

real life

"Bryn," A quiet voice drifts into my conscience, and I feel someone gently shake my arm. "B, wake up."

I mumble incoherently under my breath and roll away from the rude person trying to wake me, burying my head into my pillow.


My sleep-fogged brain recognizes Chris' voice, but I don't move from the warm cocoon of blankets I am burrowed in. "I'm sleeping," I grumble, my voice muffled by my pillow.

Chris chuckles, and I feel the mattress sink down as he climbs onto the bed next to me. My pulse jumps when he curls around me from behind, twisting his arm around my waist. "B," he whispers near my ear. "Please wake up."

A light flush rises to my cheeks at Chris' nearness and I shake my head, tugging my blanket up to my chin. "I would rather not."

"But I want to spend the day with you," Chris whines, resting his chin on my shoulder to look at me. "Beeeee, please!"

"You can hang out with me when I'm not sleeping," I finally crack my eyes open and see Chris' face hovering dangerously close to mine, shadows cast across his face from the limited sunlight peeking around my blinds.

"It's already almost noon," Chris counters, his eyes wide as he gazes at me. A light fluttering comes alive in my stomach at the sight of his slightly damp hair hanging loose over his forehead.

My brow furrows in confusion at the physical sensation, not considering what Chris just said as I process the nerves throughout my body. Holy shit, do I find Chris attractive? I mean, I always knew he was attractive, I'm not blind, but his appearance has never given me a physical reaction before. Holy fuck, Nick will lose his fucking mind if I tell him about this.

"B, are you listening to me?" Chris pokes my cheek and raises his eyebrows at me. "You just fully spaced out."

"I'm tired!" I whine, and the yawn that splits my mouth wide proves my point. "Nick and I didn't come home until like five am."

"What the hell? You guys left at like ten yesterday morning! What were you doing?" Chris exclaims, adjusting slightly behind me to be more comfortable. His front is pressed against my back, and his legs tangle with mine as he drops his head onto my pillow. His arm tightens around my waist, and my breath catches when his fingers slip under the edge of my t-shirt to brush against my stomach.

Forcing my breath to regain its normal rhythm, I answer Chris' question. "We went shopping and did pottery in the afternoon, and went out for dinner with Madi, and then ended up back at her house."

"You guys are crazy," Chris mumbles, his fingers stroking my skin above the waistband of my shorts.

"I'm tired," I mumble, cuddling further back into Chris until not an inch of space remains between us.

I hear Chris' breath falter and his fingers slow their movements against stomach. "What if you sleep for another hour, and then we go out?"

"Nick and Matt, too?" Another yawn escapes my mouth and my eyes flutter shut, unable to compete with the fuzzy feelings of safety and comfort that surround me when Chris is so close to me.

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