Chapter 18. Epilogue

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It had been seven months since that night. I never heard from any of the 141 members, including Ghost. Having no contact with them truly solidified my solitude.

The small refuge in Scotland quickly became a home for me. The villagers all welcomed me, and it didn't take long for me to learn Gaelic and Irish, the spoken language here.

I took on a small job, a bookkeeper, which I thought fit me well. Since Ghost had set me up with everything I needed, the small amount of money I made was only used on things that I wanted, things I could never indulge in before.

Skull became my best friend, despite the constant reminder of who he belonged to. But I found solidarity in him…the both of us, left amongst the Scottish Highlands, patiently awaiting the return of our masked love.

However, he was an old dog, and I dreaded the day he would pass and leave me utterly alone.

Tonight, I closed up the bookshop late. I had found myself dozing off while venturing through the tales of modern folklore. A soft jingle of the bells chimed as I shut the wooden door, locking it tightly.

I walked down the damp cobblestone path, heading towards the small cobblestone path that would lead me back towards the cabin. It wasn't much of a walk, but I wasn't used to treading it in the dark.

Unfortunately, even quaint towns like this one had its share of unkind individuals. Thankfully, I hadn't come across them…until tonight…

"Aye!" A man calls from behind me, and I pause, turning around to face him.

He stumbles as he walks forward, his friend leaning against his shoulder, displaying to me that they came from the local pub.

They approach me, grins on their faces.

"Ye're the bonnie lass folk are talkin' about, are ye no'?" His drunken speech made it harder to comprehend, but I understood his words well enough to urge my feet to take a small step backwards.

"Please, get home safely," I urge them, taking another step back.

"Ah, come now, we know the ghostly lad is not by yer side. Ye must be feelin' a bit lone... let us lend a hand." The other chuckles and reaches out, yanking my wrist towards the two of them. The mention of Ghost made my stomach drop.

"Give us a dance, lass–!" They laugh, grabbing at my hips.


"GAH!" One man falls to the ground, clutching at his forearm.

I look down and see the large bullet wound that had pierced directly through his arm.

"Get UP! GET UP!" The uninjured man yells and yanks his friend off of the ground, running off with him in the opposite direction.

My breath, already quick due to the aggressive men, picks up in speed even more.

I turn around, desperate to find it…

And then I see it, in the distance, perched on a rooftop…

A sniper glint.

A soft gasp is taken into my lungs as my eyes fill with tears of relief.

The glint disappears and flashes one more time…just like it did on our mission.

There, I knew, shrouded amongst the shadows, sat my silent watcher.

The glint vanished and a tall silhouette appeared besides the gun.

I stare up at him, soft tears spilling onto my cheeks.


After months of no contact, and heartbreak, I looked into his dark figure, my hair blowing across my face in the wind. My heart throbbed and sang with rejoice.

I finally understood the meaning of loyalty…

Afterall, it became my whole world.

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