Chapter 10.

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"How do you feel, Dollface?" Captain Price asked me while strapping me up in an entirely decked out combat suit. I had night vision, weapons, plans, radars…everything I'd need to infiltrate a base. But in my opinion, all I needed was my memory.

"I have a headache.." I admitted quietly. Ghost had informed me that it was a side effect of drinking.

Price chuckled, "Guess we should have considered that you've never drank before…apologies." He moved behind me to secure my vest.

My eyes wandered to my left. Ghost was already entirely dressed in gear and checking his weapons. He glanced over at me and held eye contact for a short second before looking back down at his gun. My cheeks heated up.

I practically had no memory of the night before. The last thing I remembered was walking to the bar bathroom, and then I woke up sleeping on his chest with his arms wrapped around me. He tried to assure me that nothing happened, but it was obvious that he was shocked by how close we were when we woke up.

I never expected alcohol to be that strong. I've never forgotten anything in my life… and of course the one time I do forget something, it's how I ended up in bed with the man I'm infatuated with.

I looked away from him and down at my hands as Price placed a small hard drive in it.

"If you find a computer, we want everything you can get from it," Price mumbled and then placed a small headset onto my ear, "Soap and I will be in the command room with your sister. Don't worry about making call-outs, but if you have a question, press this button 'ere, and we'll hear you."

It was all so overwhelming, yet at the same time, I felt nothing. I figured eventually it'll hit me, but I was trying to be hopeful that it would never come. I turned to my left and watched as Ghost strung a large assault rifle onto his back.

Once we finished getting suited up, Ghost and I were walked to a smaller military truck by Price.

"You'll drive this to the extraction point, but hike the rest of the way. We don't want to risk flying you in," He continued, "Vehicles' packed with everything you might need." Captain Price glanced over at Ghost who seemed angrier than usual.

He sighed and looked back to my eyes, "Get in, get the information, tag any weapons, get out…" Oddly, he seemed more nervous than I was, "When you get back, we'll get you home."

I stayed silent for a moment, nodding my head along with his words. Home. I didn't know how to feel about that.

"Or…maybe…you can buy me another drink?" I offered instead and extracted a deep laugh from Price.

He crossed his arms over his chest and took a small step back away from the jeep.

"We'll see about that, Frost," He chuckled and I heard the door of the jeep open and shut, "Get goin' then." He bid me farewell.

Ghost had gotten inside…he clearly wasn't a fan of my comment. So, I took my time getting into the passenger seat.

It was quiet until he started the vehicle. I was thankful for the low rumbling of the engine that filled the silence because, for a while after leaving the base, it was the only sound distracting me from the elephant in the room.

I kept my head tilted to one side and gazed out of the window. I wanted to talk to him but I could tell that the  feelings weren't mutual.

The drive was rocky. A GPS navigated us through barren, dry terrain. The vehicle climbed hills and mountain trails with ease, but the longer we drove, the more anxious I became. If the base was supposedly empty, why would they be afraid to fly us in?

Loose Ends.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें