"Where did you get that key?"

"It was in the boots. I assume your brother pick-pocketed it from a gate guard."

She glanced back to Jeremy with a slight glare, who was sitting up trying to tell what Sherlock was doing. He looked so innocently confused for a moment before remembering what he had done. With a few jiggles and a group effort of pushing, the gates were opened and the kids sped off into the night.

"Sherlock! What are we going to do when we get there?!"

Stella shouted over the beating sound of hooves on cobblestone and the wind rushing over them. She once again had her head laid on his back, eyes closed as she tried to pretend that she didn't feel like she was going to fall off at any moment.

"We'll have to warn them all, no time to waste! I'll take off to the kitchen to see if they've put the poison in yet, you and the other two can head to the ballroom to stop them from eating or drinking anything!"

She nodded against his back in reply, and clutched him tighter. Her eyes opened when she heard the sound of hooves change, just in time to be able to see what she realized was probably the Thames River, glistening in the moonlight. Her heart swelled inside of her as she took in it's beauty, forgetting for a moment about the harrowing mission they were on. She turned to look around them, hiding her eyes behind Sherlock enough to keep them open in the rushing wind, and caught sight of Big Ben glowing in the night, watching over London like a watchtower. Closer, closer they came. When she could finally read it, it said the time was almost 10:30. That was around the time the plans said they would administer the poison, wasn't it? Or was that when the event started?

"Hurry! Look at the time!"

Sherlock seemed to hear her and leaned down, pushing his horse to go faster. Stella leaned down again, sparing a glance to see her siblings not far behind her, keeping up quite well.

It wasn't long before they arrived at the front gates of the palace, which were still open. Stella thought it was a little strange to leave them open for the ball, but seeing the guards that rushed forward to meet them quelled her worries of uninvited visitors.

"Who goes there?!"

"My name is Sherlock Holmes! I'm the second son of Ivan Holmes! I'm here to warn about a plot to kill the queen, and everyone else attending the ball tonight!"

Stella heard Jeremy's horse slow to a stop behind her, and she glanced back worriedly to the two. Jeremy's hair was a ruffled mess from the wind, and Anne's fingers were white from gripping so hard to stay on. He saw the guards talking to Sherlock and reached into his shirt to pull out the papers to help the explanation along.

"I have the plans here! I stole them from the people that made them, but only those two could read them."

Two guards cautiously walked over to Jeremy and took the papers while another guard made his way towards Sherlock, grabbing the reins of his horse.

"Sherlock, what on earth are you doing here?!"

Stella studied the guard in front of them, who glanced quickly between the two riders. He seemed to have pale skin and a heavy build, with brown hair and eyes that never stopped moving. Sherlock desperately leaned forward and grabbed the man's arm.

"David! We have to get inside to warn the guests! Mom, Dad, and Mycroft are in there, and there's some plan to poison all the food and drink to kill everyone!"

The man tightened his grip on the reins and looked up at the boy in shock. Then his eyes narrowed.

"If you're telling a fib to me..."

"Sir! He's right! These plans outline the ball tonight, some of the servants are in on it and are helping with the poisoning!"

David immediately let go of the reins and slapped Sherlock's horse on the flank.

"Go! We'll be right behind you!"

Before they could even reply, the horse took off into the courtyard and Sherlock wheeled it around to the front doors, Jeremy not far behind. The kids rolled off their steeds and hit the ground running, the guards at the door being momentarily shocked and reaching out to stop them. Upon hearing a series of whistles in the background that Stella figured must be signaling from the guards to let them through, the palace doors swung open and everyone stepped back, watching them curiously dart inside in their night clothes. Stella heard Anne's shoes stop for a second when she saw how beautiful it was inside. She nearly stopped and stared at the splendor, as well, but Sherlock grabbed her wrist and pointed to her right as they ran.

"The ballroom should be straight to the right when we reach this hallway! Stop everyone from touching anything, and I'll go check the kitchen!"

And with that, Sherlock disappeared in the opposite direction. Stella slowed a little to motion for Jeremy and Anne to follow her. She panicked for a moment as they turned the corner. Were they too late? Would they believe three kids suddenly running into a ballroom and screaming? Her heart hurt as she imagined what could happen to Pierre and Elsie, or Amelia and her family. They had to hurry.

Stella was the first to reach the ballroom doors, with confused guards slowly opening them as she approached, having just heard some shout from the hallway allowing the three in. She stumbled to a stop just inside the doors, taking a quick glance around. The music was just beginning to play beautifully, with a few couples dancing, while a lot of the nobles seemed to be flocking to one side of the room. Stella's eyes widened as she saw what they were headed for, and she screamed.


Iris Blue, Am I In Love With You? (Childhood/Teens)Where stories live. Discover now