Chapter Four: No Man's Land

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...and impossible to live without.


George peeked his head out of the shower. And notices his toothbrush is missing.

"Is that my toothbrush?!" George called out to her.

Meanwhile, Meredith is flipping through pictures and stops on one of little girl in wagon, with man and woman standing around it. It was her when she was younger, right outside this very house.


Intimacy also comes attached to life's three R's: Relatives, romance and roommates.


Izzie walks into the study wearing her underwear and short t-shirt and brushing her teeth.

"Coffee?" Izzie asked.

In Eddie Sousa's apartment, she was one the phone with her best friend, Eli.

"Are you sure you don't want me there?" Eli asked his best friend for the hundredth time.

Eddie had called Eli when she was in the hospital, and he freaked out (naturally) finding out his best friend was pregnant and had been involved in a collision, which resulted in her receiving a broken arm and a concussion that left her in the hospital overnight. She had talked him out of taking a red-eye to be by her side. He had his first big case, well for a right out of law school lawyer, and she didn't want him to miss it.

All he would have been doing is sitting by her bedside and hanging out with her for maybe a day or two before he'd fly back. She had convinced him to maybe come around Thanksgiving and defiantly when the baby would come. And, when she told his mother, who was practically her mother, she almost flew out herself, and she was wondering how long that would last.

"Yes." Eddie said, "I promise I am fine. My arm won't be in a cast forever, and if you're gonna visit, come around Thanksgiving and then when the baby is here. You need to accrue some vacation hours, not spend them all."

"I know." He said with a sigh. "I just worry about you and my future godchild." 

"Well, don't we're fine." Eddie said, "now enough about me, tell me about the guy."


There are some things you can't escape. And other things you just don't want to know.


"Hello, kitty." Meredith said as she noticed she came face-to-face with Izzie's Hello Kitty underwear.


Eddie Sousa parked next to Meredith's jeep as they piled out of it. Seemingly in another intense conversation. As she got out she heard George exclaim: "You don't understand. Me gonads, you ovaries."

"Okay, I came over at the wrong time." Eddie commented. She looked to Meredith and Izzie and asked, "What is going on?"

"Oh, that reminds me. We are out of tampons." Izzie said.

"You're parading through the bathroom in your underwear when I'm naked in the shower." George said looking at Izzie annoyed.

"You walked in on George in the shower?" Eddie asked, suddenly very happy she didn't live at the frat house full time. She did like her privacy. At the hospital was one thing, they had no choice. But, in her own home, Eddie liked her privacy in places like the bathroom or her bedroom.

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