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Ok so like every one in KinnPorsche literally has mental issues/ trauma and I'm going to focus on more of the bigger roles so to say,
Fair warning I am in no way a psychologist nor a therapist this is just my own interpretation of things you may or may not agree with me also I have only watched the show and have not yet read the novels, please can someone send me a link to the novels cos I really wanna read them so bad😭

Anyway the list goes as: Thankun, Kinn, Porsche, Kim, Porchay, Vegas, Macau and Pete (I accidentally spelt Vegas as Behas😭)

Anyway lets start:

Thankun: In the series he is by far my favourite character ever and just so relatable and is just the best I love his personality and everything. We can't all relate to him in a way that we haven't been kidnapped when we were children, unless you have and if so I'm sorry to what happened to you and hope you are living a better life now. Now everyone reacts to Trauma very differently and in Thankun's response he becomes a 'crazy' person (I swear Thankun is like the most normal person in the series) or he just kind of dissacotiated himself with the rest of the world, he was kidnapped when he was a child, we don't know how though, so obviously it would inflict trauma on to him (severe-ish) now I just want to say that people experience trauma very differently and traumatic experiences/events are not always the same, someone could have been abused and experience severe trauma as a result of it so please be aware that trauma for everyone is different which I sometimes find that people don't understand. As a result of Thankun being kidnapped at a young age, he starts acting crazy as a way of him dealing with the trauma evident in being kidnapped, he is also like really smart and just overall comic relief and just best character. But we can't deny that he has trauma and it is severe.

Kinn: He will obviously have some trauma it just won't be like Thankuns in a way at all, yes he has been kidnapped, he was also titled as the heir to the family after Thankun came back and was deemed as crazy, he was given that responsibility at a young age, he would obviously have no idea how to even acknowledge he even had any trauma, nor does he show it that much, due to his nature he does have somewhat of a tendency to act rashly towards people or in certain situations or he recognises some things a little too late or can be somewhat oblivious to it all, an impact is obviously what happened to Thankun, that he was given all the responsibility at a young age to prepare to be the next head of the mafia that there would be some intense things going on in his life, not to forget, but when he was immediately made the next heir he became an even bigger target for other people. I do think there is other stuff that can be considered trauma for Kinn, but idk what it would be, if you have any thoughts it would be helpful I won't lie.

Kim: I do think he does have some form of trauma but I don't know what it would be in all honesty what so ever, if not then maybe some kind of disability I'm just not sure with Kim, but I dk feel he could have some kind of trauma ( regarding disability, that would just be a question mark as in not sure? Or a wish (not meaning it in a bad way whatsoever) but could be a possibility) Kim is just a mysterious one for me regarding mental health issues or trauma or disability.

Vegas: Dude has a lot of problems which are evidently shown in the series, I think if there is a second season he will start getting better, he like Thankun has lots of trauma, a result stemmed from the environment he grew up in and how much abuse he went through which stemmed in to him having violent tendencies and outbursts, the abuse was clearly severe, we can't excuse him for his actions though, but in the type of environment he grew up in aka the mafia, he was expected to do all the things he did, but he would have also been exposed to these things when young (infact all of theerapanyakul has been exposed young) but added to his father's abuse, he will likely have outbursts of violence as well as break downs in which he only shows with Pete, he looks calm on the outside but there are times were you can see that he is extremely mentally unstable, there is a long list of Vegas' problems and trauma I think, and I do not know all of the details regarding his trauma per say, I also think he could potentially have a disability but like with Kim it is either a wish (not being mean) or a possibility, I also noticed that Vegas does have childlike tendencies, he also protects his younger brother from his father so that can also have an impact on his mental health and stability, Vegas kind of acts like a toddler due to childlike tendencies such as throwing somewhat of a tantrum. If you would like, you are welcome to either add more on to this answer (and any of the other answers/ thoughts) or if you have a different opinion it is welcome.

Macau: I think it is a similar situation with Kim as in I think he does have some trauma somewhere in him, but I don't know what it is, regarding having a disability I don't really think he has one but I can genuinely never be too sure, but much like Kim, I think he has trauma, but is somewhat of a mystery to what it could be.

Porsche: He did in some way witness the death of his parents, even though one them is seemingly alive, at a young age he has been given the responsibility of his brother who was a baby (or baby going into toddler era) at the time of his parents death, he was looked after by someone who was financially irresponsible and all the financial burdens were placed on to him at a young age, like Vegas he actually does care for his brother, but unlike Vegas who could actually be there for his brother and who was also financially stable, Porsche never had that luxury, he does care deeply for his brother and wants the best of him, I know some people do think he is an asshole for being dismissive of his brother's feelings, but he has been through a lot and has put his brother's needs before his own, by wanting his brother to have a stable life and to be able to live somewhat normally, he has also been kidnapped, he does have severe trauma (or somewhat severe trauma), but has never been in a position to actually acknowledge all the things he has been put through. I'm not sure if that is everything for Porsche, there could be more there could be less idk.

Porchay: He does have trauma, yes, but not at the extent of Porsche, Vegas, Thankun and Pete and maybe the other two. It doesn't matter at what age you get kidnapped it will have inflicted trauma, I think he will have that, there is also the emotional absence of his brother that he may feel like a burden to his brother or feel dismissed by his brother at times, I think a way with dealing with t his brother's absence he easily found himself attached to Kim due to Kim being present at the time of his brother's absence especially when his brother joined the mafia and that when Kim betrayed him or broke up with him, he was more heartbroken by that, which makes it seems like the kidnapping was not that serious and in some retrospect it kind of makes sense but idk.

Pete: Pete was abused by his father and like Vegas he masked it behind a smile, he was saved in some way by the main family as he said he will forever be loyal to the main family, which gives the idea that he was saved by them in some way, but he has trauma that like Vegas hasn't been dealt with properly or at all, yet has better control over himself, he may have some triggers (all of them would tbh) and Vegas does start to break down his guards like he did with Vegas' gaurds, I think he either has a simlar stiry to Vegas or to Thankun, I'm not so sure about it being simlar with Porsche though. Regarding his and Vegas' relationship and how it may turn out whether ghat be toxic or not, I cannot predict that but I think that they could have somewhat of a positive impact on each other as well as get the help they may need (but the whole family kind of needs it as well) in some way shape or form, I would just hope it would be a good relationship in some way shape or form.

I might to a KinnPorsche fanfic or a VegasPete one idk maybe even a KimChay or ChayCau one but I have a few lined up in my brain, which would be smart to write down but I have like three stories which are in dire need of updating but I have just been so busy and my motivation is just lacking, but I will NOT be discontinuing them so don't worry, I just need to start getting into the writing mindset again.

I forgot to add, also I want to know what was the difference of how Vegas and Macau were raised to the way Kinn, Kim and Thankhun were raised

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