Intoduction to what I may rant about

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So I love asian bl shows a d I have watched quite a lot so this will also be a one time thing and I may or may not update it after I have finished my rant for the list of bl shows:

1. KinnPorsche
2. Manner of death
3. Between Us
4. No 1 for you (we best love)- Taiwanese
5. Cherry Blossoms after Winter
6. Probaby just OffGun shows in general 😂 but with analysis on each ig
7. Gen Y

I have watched and still watch a lot of bl but it is hard to keep up with what I have watched, I don't even remember my first bl 😭, but because I have watched so much, it is just so hard to keep up with all of them, the ones that made it into the list are like definite ones I loved, I do love watching many bls tho so it is hard to keep up with all of them, like said earlier I may add more that aren't featured on the list, so yeah,  I'm creating this just cos I need to get a few things out.

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