Scott sees Liam’s reaction, hears his pulse tick with a little fear. She smiles warmly and tells him, “Don’t worry, they’re not for you. I just can’t be in two places at once. Stiles is gonna stay with Malia and I’ll stay with you.” He doesn’t argue with her this time, which means something happened and he can no longer deny what’s going on. She smiles knowingly, takes a step over to him, holds out her hand, lets her claws slowly extend before slowly pulling them back.

Liam’s eyes now widen with amazement as he looks up at her and asks, “How did you do that?”

Scott chuckles weakly, tells him, “I’ll teach you. And,” She gives him a firm nod and a serious look when she says, “I’ll keep you safe.”

The only reason she doesn’t promise him that is because she still can’t bring herself to after Allison.

She may not have loved Allison as much as she loves Derek, but she still loved her so frigging much.

But despite feeling this way, Scott suddenly decides that she can do this.

“Yeah, I don’t know what I was thinking–I can’t do this.” Scott sighs, head hanging limp between her shoulders as she leans against the large oak tree and stares across the lake, watching the tiny blinking lights of the party now raging on.

She’s definitely going to have words with Liam for this little stunt. Though, she is secretly impressed with his fast thinking. She’s honestly never had so much trouble with any supernatural monster, but here this kid is running literal ass hole circles around her stupid ass.

Beside her, Kira giggles, looks utterly bewildered when she says, “You’re kidding, right? You’re literally the most badass person I have ever met, Scott.”

Scott chuckles, mostly to herself, because she definitely thinks the same of Derek. “I’m really not, but thanks.”

Kira frowns when she sees Scott scowling into the distance. And when an Alpha, or a werewolf in general looks worried, she knows she should definitely be asking, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. Just annoyed with the new angry puppy in my life.” Scott glances to Liam’s unconscious form a few feet behind them, smiling when Kira laughs.

She really does have a pretty laugh. And a pretty smile. Not Derek-pretty, but Scott doesn’t like to use Derek to compare with anybody, because it’s impossible.

Scott huffs, mutters, “I can hear the music from the party.”

Kira looks impressed, smiling sweetly as she eagerly asks, “What song are they playing??”

Scott shrugs. “Um, some electronic song. I dunno, I don’t recognise it.”

Kira is never usually so brave when it comes to dating, but for some reason, if feels easy with Scott. She smiles innocently, hoping the she wolf will take the hint when she says, “I wish they’d play more slow songs at parties. I was always better at dancing to the slow ones...”

She’s so glad Scott isn’t a “slow one” as the she wolf’s lips curl into an amused (and overly sexy) little grin.

And Scott isn’t one to disappoint most people, let alone a pretty girl not so subtly asking for a slow dance. Scott holds out her hand, smirks and practically purrs out her words, “Come here...”

Kira’s face lights up, though, she does turn to glance warily at Liam while asking, “What about him?”

Scott chuckles while sauntering over to slide a hand around the back of her waist. She pulls the little fox back against her chest, nuzzling at her temple while mumbling, “He can dance with me next time.”

Am I Your Alpha? [FemScott&Derek]Where stories live. Discover now