Not Just An Alpha

Start from the beginning

Scott doesn’t care about anything else other than her friends and the safety of her town right now. Although, the new surge of power she feels bubbling away in her, still trying to settle when she’s trying not to just give in to her wolf blood lust and kill this evil bitch, is really quite a fucking rush. But killing Miss Blake would be pointless, at least, not until Scott makes herself extremely clear here...

Derek watches Scott straighten her posture, watches her red eyes disappear and those dark chocolate brown pools of hers darken dangerously, and Derek swears he frigging shivers when his Alpha takes a single stalking step closer to Jennifer, who gasps and shuffles back along the ground on her pathetic ass.

Jennifer has already lost, so, as far as Scott is concerned, she doesn’t need to use her new Alpha eyes to scare this bitch. She simply crouches slowly down, hands resting on her bent knees, human eyes connecting to Jennifer’s, and tone, not threatening, just deadly serious when she says, “Whatever you’re doing to cause this storm–you’re gonna make it stop, right now, or I’m gonna kill you, right now, right here, very slowly, myself, and with my friends and my parents on the line right now, I really don’t care what colour killing your evil ass will turn my eyes.”

“Scott–“ Deucalion isn’t exactly afraid of Scott, but instinct kicks in when she throws a stern glance over her shoulder at him and he quickly lowers his eyes from hers.

Derek arches a brow, smirks to himself at seeing the so-called great Alpha of Alphas submitting to the new Teen Alpha. Even if she is the special kind. Status means a lot to their kind, born, especially.

Deucalion gulps, takes a deep breath and slowly lifts his gaze back to hers. “I mean; ‘Alpha’, of course.”

He gives a courteous nod, and Scott wrinkles her nose lamely as Jennifer scoffs loudly and snips, “Are you fucking serious right now?”

Derek sends a little snarl her way, warning her to keep her mouth shut.

Jennifer merely gives a bored roll of her eyes and dusts her hands off.

“Don’t call me that. I’m not like you.” Scott rises to her feet, takes a smirking Jennifer by the elbow and roughly drags her up to stand as well. She drops the smirk and glares just as Scott smirks smugly back at her.

Jennifer may have underestimated Scott. And she still hates her just like she hates the others, Derek included, but she still has to admit Scott isn’t as stupid as she seems. And Jennifer really does enjoy rubbing it in Deucalion’s face, how Scott, and even Derek refused to join his pathetic little cult of Alphas. She’s glad she put a stop to that load of crap finally.

Deucalion nods. “Of course.”

Scott breathes deep to keep calm, then, shoves Jennifer lightly against the podium just behind her. Scott lets her hand slip from Jennifer’s elbow, but places her hand on Jennifer’s throat. She glares at the older woman, but is still calm when she asks, “So, are you gonna be the reason my eyes change colour again today?”

Jennifer’s eyes narrow back into a challenging glare. For literally all of five seconds, because when she really looks into Scott’s brown eyes, for the first time ever, they don’t look as innocent or understanding as they usually do.

Deucalion steps up beside the two of them, smiles sweetly, almost pleadingly at Scott when he says, “Now, now, you’ve only just earned those pretty red eyes. Allow me?”

Scott arches a brow, reminds him, “Yeah, fine, whatever, but we still need her to stop what she’s doing.”

Deucalion’s smile shrinks into a smug little smirk. “There is so much you have yet to learn, young Master Scott. The magic always ends when the source of it ‘ends.’”

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