Chapter One-Alexandria

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We barely lasted a day without an attack. Of course when we thought that things were going to be quiet and peaceful for a bit, Simon attacked Talahan. I was tired of his schemes. Talahan was not prepared to fight against his shadow army.

Rowen and Aaron insisted that I didn't fight, but I wouldn't listen to them. I had to fight for my kingdom. I was no damsel! So I fought for my kingdom. I defeated many of Simons minions, one by one, but my main target was Simon. Even though he had led the army to Talahan, he was nowhere in sight.

I had to find him. And when I found him, I would kill him. He had caused enough trouble and stress onto my kingdom, onto my sister, Ryia, and me. I was a newlywed, and I didn't even get a honeymoon with my husband.

After a little bit longer of fighting, I finally found Simon. He was simply standing in place. I was confused for a moment, but I soon realized what he was doing. He was summoning more of his minions with his powers. I quickly ran towards him and knocked him to the ground, stopping his dark magic from being a success.

Simon got up and laughed. "Well, that's not the nicest way to say hello, my dear Alexandria" Simon said with an evil grin. "Your schemes end here, Simon! You have two options. Retreat and never come back, or let me kill you on spot!" I said, pointing my bow and arrow directly at his forehead. Simon laughed evilly. "I don't give up that easily, my dear Alexandria" he said.

"I'll give you five seconds to change your mind" I said. Simon laughed. "How about this? You bring me your dearest sister Ryia, and I'll make sure you and your kingdom will never see me again" he said with a smirk. I laughed. "I'm not stupid!" I said. "Well, I beg to differ, my dear. Your very stupid to stand up to me!" Simon said. Then suddenly, he shot a ray of dark magic at me.

I blocked it with my shield, letting it shoot back at him. Simon dodged and laughed evilly. "Trying to defeat me with my own magic?" He asked. "You know I'm a clever girl" I said with a smirk. Then, we charged towards each other. Our swords clashed, and occasionally I would shoot an arrow at him. After the longest time, Simon suddenly backed away.

Rain started pouring down. We looked around us. I soon realized that Simons army was demolished. I pointed my sword towards his neck. "You've got nothing left, Simon. Your weak, definitely not strong enough to create more demons. Surrender" I said. Simon laughed. "I'll see you again, my dear" he said. Then, he walked away, vanishing before my eyes.


"This is outrageous!" Father yelled. He slammed his fist on the circular table with an angry expression. It was midnight, just a few hours after the battle had ended. Sitting around the table was Ryia, Leo, Terrin, Aaron, Rowen and I. Little Niamh was asleep in her room. I couldn't imagine how afraid she must have been during the battle. "I will stand for Simons schemes no longer!" Father yelled.

"I've tried everything I can to defeat him, father. Today I was so close....." I said, but my voice faded. "You tried to fight him?" Aaron asked with shock. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. "Alexandria, what if you would have died out there?! What would I do then?! I don't want you risking your life Alexandria! Remember what happened last time you did that?!" Aaron said.

"I'm sorry! He was right there....and....I....I wanted to be brave! He was summoning his demons, Aaron! If I wouldn't have defeated him, then...." I said. Aaron hesitated, but then smiled kindly. "I just don't want to loose you, Alexandria" he said. He gripped my hand, and I smiled back.

"I'm not going to be as sympathetic as Aaron, Alexandria! What if you really died out there?!" Ryia yelled. I looked at my sister directly in her eyes, her eyes that were identical to mine. "Then I would die with honor" I said. She lightly gasped. Terrin chuckled. Ryia glared at him evilly. "What?! It's funny! You were just owned by your sister!" Terrin said. Ryia rolled her eyes, and Terrin chuckled.

"Enough of this. Time to get some rest" father said. He left the room, but the rest of us stayed in place. "Guys, theirs something I need to tell you" Ryia said. We all looked at Ryia. Leo gripped her hand. "Just yesterday.....Leo and I got married" Ryia said. I gasped. "You got what?!" Terrin yelled. Rosen looked like he was going to pass out. "I'm so happy for you!" Aaron said.

"Without us?! Why didn't we know?! Why weren't we invited to the wedding?!" I yelled. "We wanted to keep it quiet, that's all" Leo said. "Did you even think of us when you did that?!" Terrin yelled. "We had to think about each other, Terrin! We had to keep the wedding away from Simon! We couldn't let him find out!" Ryia yelled. All was silent. "I understand.....but.....I understand" I said.

Without saying another word, I walked out of the room and to my bedroom. Aaron followed close behind. My sister was married, and she didn't even tell me.

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